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Atari Illustrators


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I must agree, there was alot of elaborate artwork for some Atari games. However I never remember seeing any credit given for any artwork. Maybe Atari had the same policy with their artists that they had originally with the programmers....keeping the artists annomyous just as they did with the programmers. :? Just a theory...

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I agree, I loved the art on the boxes and on the catalogs. It's funny, but the barely representative graphics of the 2600 let my imagination do a lot more 'work' than modern games, so in ways it's the infocom syndrome where if my imagination is making the graphics then they are miles beyond what any console can ever render... Maybe that's part of the reason why 2600 games or any video game really, imho, never aged for me because of graphics. To me the game play experience is what was pinnacle.


2600 0WNZ!

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Good question. I briefly researched some Atari artists for a project I was (and will eventually again) work on. But in my case I was more concerned with the original designers/illustrators of the arcade game sideart/marquees. These games (Centipede, Gravitar, Tempest, etc.) had such a unique and cool style to them that I wanted to try and recapture some of it in my illustrations. The "Street Race" & "Dragon's Den" images in particular:




But during my research I did come across a couple names. George Opperman...




...apparently worked at Atari early on as an Art Director and did some of the early design stuff. Some of those pinball images look kind of similar to the console box images as well.


And in a review I found with the programmer of Gravitar, there is a reference to a Brad Chaboya who apparently designed the artwork for the Gravitar cabinet among many others:




That last link promised a more in-depth interview with Brad which I think would be very interesting. But seeing as it hasn't been updated since April or so I don't know if we'll ever see that.

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Man, I dig athena :-) It's a shame there weren't more classic era BG games. At least that one Inty game is pretty close, and still a damn good game too. I loved the voice version 'hello commander, computer reporting' and Im still trying to find the mattell handheld for a reasonable price :-)

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