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NES to Atari 2600 Controller Mod


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I have also tried the mod and failed. That was a while ago. You can make an atari controller out of any pad. All it is to make contact is to ground the signal. If you look on the contacts, they are seperate when you press down on the d-pad. when you press it down, it connects the two together, thus grounding it. So, all you need to do is solder hot to one end of up, and ground to the other end. press up on the d-pad and the game goes up. Just scrape the lead before both the ground and hot leads and solder to make the connections. I turned one of those famiclone controllers into an atari controller that way. hope this helps!

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I figured it out on my own, I was confused, because there was no wire attached above letter I, I gave up scratching below the pads (thus shorting the d-pad). Luckly I had a second pad on my. This makes a nice controller. I'm going to make another tommorow, now to fix my mistake on the first one :P .

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Here's the FAQ


It's self-explanatory, you should be able to get it, unless you use a Genesis controller cable, then you would need to map the pin-outs with a multi-meter and map the pin-outs of a Atari 2600 controller as well. If you're angry, this is a destructive mod to do.


I just fixed the controller I broke using some copper 'train' wire. I had to hook up the wrong traces I broke. Then I used a screwdriver to scratch out the correct traces. It's amazing that it still worked, even through I messed it up BAD :wink: .

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I'll give that a shot... But what I wanted to do is take an old NES controller EXTENSION cable, lop one end off of it... Lop the end off of an old Atari controller and make an adapter cable, instead of destroying (possibly) the other controller... See it's a collectable controller from europe and I don't want to hack up the controller... Soooooo I decided to make a cable adapter instead... Wouldn't it basically use the same technique? Thanks! - D

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I have made about 20-30 of these things. I have since moved on to making them work with both buttons on the 7800. (If you plan on doing the 7800 mod you shouldn't use the link posted above since it is outdated, you should use the one found here. (there is a link below the picture for the text of the mod))

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Making an adapter cable for an NES controller will be a major pain because Nintendo used a serial connection for their controllers as opposed to the parallel connection that Atari used. Basically what this mod does is gut the controller and modify it to connect to the Atari.



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I figured either would be a pain, BUT isn't soldering wires the same as soldering them to a board? I'm using an end to a 2600 controller and an extension cable from the old NES that acutually has the male connector to the orignial female end. Is it possible to lop the ends off of both of those and just soldier the wires together?

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I figured either would be a pain, BUT isn't soldering wires the same as soldering them to a board?  I'm using an end to a 2600 controller and an extension cable from the old NES that acutually has the male connector to the orignial female end.  Is it possible to lop the ends off of both of those and just soldier the wires together?


Nope, you'ld have to design and build a circuit to convert the serial signals to parallel to make it work.

If you just want an NES style pad use a Sega Master System one instead. No modification required. :)



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But when you say you've made 20-30 of these... Are you referring to an adapter cable or the modified controller?


I have probably made 20 or so 2600 style (one button) and only 6 or 7 of the 7800 style (two button)


I swear by the two button 7800 mod. It allows you to not only use it on the 2600 and 7800, it also allows you to use it with two buttons on the 5200 with the redemption adapter, and also the colecovision.

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Yeah, I'm going to have to go with the whole 'mod' idea... I have a 'special' (nonstandard) NES joystick that I want to use on the Atari... I wonder if the wiring is the same as in a standard one? Hmmm.. I'll have to tear it apart and check... I hope the color coding and stuff is the same...

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Just wondering- why would you want to do this? The original Atari 2600 joysticks are much better than any joypad, IMHO. Atari joysticks made more sense for right-handed people- move with your right hand, and fire with your left. I blame Nintendo for setting the trend of moving with your left hand and firing with your right, which every controller on the market today still follows.

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Here is a scan of the insides.

I rushed during this mod, which caused some pads to break all unused, except the pad where the copper wire is connecting directly to a trace. Notice where I scratched out the traces, where I scratched out the fourth resistor, and where I connected the wires. The Atari connection wire on this pad is from a knock-off Atari extension cord (which has the same colored wires). On my other pad, the Atari connection wire on that one is Genesis (that one has different colored wires), which I don't think you'd like to see scans of [the board], because I had to repair that one.


Have fun!



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Just wondering- why would you want to do this?  The original Atari 2600 joysticks are much better than any joypad, IMHO.   Atari joysticks made more sense for right-handed people- move with your right hand, and fire with your left.   I blame Nintendo for setting the trend of moving with your left hand and firing with your right, which every controller on the market today still follows.


That's my sentiment exactly. :) I'd rather do the opposite and make a 2600 stick for the NES... it took me a while

when the NES came out to get used to the idea that my left thumb was going to be in charge of moving

now instead of my right hand, which by that time had been playing Atari for ~7 years.

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I wonder if I can make an Atari 2600 NES Advantage stick, or make a stick with just on/off switches, that would make games HARD!. Now to find something to do to my Genesis. (somebody's probably screaming in agony over me trying to make Atari 2600 stick out of a NES Advantage :twisted: !)

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The original Atari 2600 joysticks are much better than any joypad, IMHO.  

Yep, that is your opinion.

Atari joysticks made more sense for right-handed people- move with your right hand, and fire with your left.   I blame Nintendo for setting the trend of moving with your left hand and firing with your right, which every controller on the market today still follows.


They still use that format today becaus it is better IMO


@VB- that doesn't look too bad, and as long as it works is all that counts. (I have ripped a few traces where the wires attach)


Here is your picture that I edited to show you where to connect the traces to have both buttons do the same thing. :)


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Just wondering- why would you want to do this?  The original Atari 2600 joysticks are much better than any joypad, IMHO.   Atari joysticks made more sense for right-handed people- move with your right hand, and fire with your left.   I blame Nintendo for setting the trend of moving with your left hand and firing with your right, which every controller on the market today still follows.


There is a reason why it is still around today, its just a better way to control. I grew up using joysticks for playing games and when I bought my NES the joypads felt very awkward to me, but once I got used to them it was just second nature. I have one of bjk's NES mods and I love it. The joypad gives me much better control, IMO.

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I've been thinking about it, i'll just stick to my drunken psx dual atari 2600 stick (explanation in the moonsweeper thread). those sticks are really easy to come by here, so its not a big deal to get a new one... plus i left on enough cable to resolder the original psx cable if needed...

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