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NES to Atari 2600 Controller Mod


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I think the 2600 mod is a waste of time now that I know how to do the 7800 mod. It just makes sense if you are converting an nes controller to make it work both on the 7800 and the 2600.


The only hard parts to get for the 7800 mod are the resistors. That particular resistor that is used is hard to find in my area's electronics stores. You can find the sega extensions pretty cheap also (which have 9 wires, but are hard to work with because of the low quality of the wires)

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I couldn't find the resistors at my local Radio Shack either. I finished the document, also. I rewrote most of Chris Pepin's instructions, and made them shorter and so they made more sense, and pictures are included, also. Any one interested in it? One thing I couldn't rewright was the warning, that's pretty much standard.

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Ah, I'll go down tommorow and pick some up. Man, Splatform is easy when you have a NES controller! JoustPong is a lot nicer, also. So is QB.


I find most games easier with the joypad but there are some exceptions:




Or any other game that requires a lot of directional movement, is still easier with a joystick. :)

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