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Frogger II Threedeep question

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Maybe I'm a moron...


okay... I'm a moron...



But even after reading the directions I cannot figure out

what do do in the 'sky' level of this game.


I fall.


I fall a lot.


I don't know exactly why I fall.


I just know that I fall.

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Screen III: Airborne Frogger

In this screen, our hero finds himself on a large cloud. This cloud has

a lot of spring, so start bouncing Frogger up and down, holding the

joystick UP to bounce higher and higher. Move the joystick DIAGONALLY to

bounce sideways and DOWN to stop bouncing. The trick is to hop onto a

bird, then keep hopping from row to row until Frogger reaches the cloud


Butterflies: Yum! Frogger loves to eat butterflies and each time he does, he receives bonus points (and keeps them when he makes it home on that screen). He pays a certain price for it, though, because when he gobbles a butterfly, two holes open up (or widen) in the cloud--holes that Frogger might fall through!


Clyde the flying dragon: Because Clyde loves those pretty little butterflies, he stays close by to protect them. He doesn't do this for Frogger, so don't run into him.


Birds and zeppelins: Frogger can catch a ride with any of the birds or zeppelins in the sky. If Frogger should miss a connection and fall, he may be caught by a cloud, unless, of course, he falls through a hole.


The Airplane: In higher levels, an airplane appears at the top of the screen. Stay away from it! Little frogs are not meant to ride airplanes.


Bonus Frogger: Every 2,000 points, Frogger earns another chance to stay in the game.


Juanita White Bat: Deadly by night. Deadly by day. Stay away from her!


Flying or bouncing off screen: Don't let this happen!


Falling through a hole in the cloud: If Frogger falls through a hole in the cloud, he ends up in the surface screen.

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Every time you bounce, you bounce higher. Just hold the joystick up without letting go, and watch the ol' frog reach a higher screen position each time he touches the ground. You can also kind of steer him while he's hopping, if you're good with diagonals.


Keeping this in mind, you can also just leap directly from bird to bird. You're trying to get to the hole in the cloud at the top. (In subsequent levels, there will be more than one cloud with a hole in it.)


There's one big bird near the bottom (two in later levels) that you can't touch, but the rest are safe to hop on.


Hope this helps.

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Avoid falling out of the sky for higher score.


Seriously, though, I found that I fare much better at this game if I audibly utter the subtitle, Threedeep!, once every two to three seconds as I play. It helps me get into the whole frog mindset. Try it, it really works! You may think it odd at first, perhaps even silly, but stay with it. After 12 hours of continuous play, you'll be stunned at how easily you leap through the levels.


A final word of advice: Before you begin play, make sure all window screens in the house fit securely and are free of rips and tears, or you're gonna be sick as a dog the next morning.


Good luck!



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Pitfall Harry,


I took your advice, and at hour number 9, my throat was hoarse from repeating 'Threedeep' every three seconds and everything started going in and out of focus.


At hour number ten, I started crying unconrollably and fell onto the floor in a fetal position. My wife ran downstairs and asked me what was wrong.


All I could say to her was 'Threedeep! Threedeep!' and then started hopping uncontrollably all over the basement.


Strangely enough, I never really 'felt' like a frog but she tells me I "sure the hell acted like one."


So that's it for me. I'm not playing that one anymore.


Tonight I will play Frogs and Flies.


Threedeep !

I mean... Thanks !

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Well there's your problem. You're not saying it right. It's "Threeedeep" -- five Es, not four. Elongate the first syllable -- "threee" -- and you'll find it makes a world of difference. Use only four and you'll likely go mad. Six, and you'll be reciting an ancient Mayan ritual that attracts every frog in the area to your doorstep to begin croaking in unison.

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