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Which way would you go?


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Sometimes I frown upon deals like the one listed below:




However, if you have the money... you have an instant collection (or two). But... doesn't that ruin the fun of actually hunting down the games? If I had whatever amount this guy is asking for and could spare the amount, sure that would be nice. But I get a better thrill out of finding deals for these games and systems. My entire Atari Lynx collection hasn't totaled/cost me $100 yet... I'm proud of that fact.


Have any of you bought instant collections for any systems (classic)?


Just curious as to everyone's thoughts.

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This collection is too large for a gamer and too incomplete for a Lynx collector. In any case, it kind of defeats the purpose of collecting, doesn't it? Part of the fun of getting the rarer carts is hunting down something like "Lemmings" for under $20, irrespective of the cost of time in actually trying to obtain it. What's the fun of getting everything at once? :)

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davidcalgary29 wrote:

In any case, it kind of defeats the purpose of collecting, doesn't it?

Not necessarily - it depends on why you are collecting. Some people enjoy the hunt, others are only interested in playing the games, and others, well... for other reasons.


For example, i myself buy reasonable Lynx package deals (i'm not too sure if that particular dealers' Buy-it-Now price is reasonable though) as i'm looking to hold Atari Multiplayer Competitions - therefore i just need LOTS of carts/comlynx cables/systems/etc.


Once again, its all relative.

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I like the above package, but... I wouldn't buy it to keep it all. The way I look at it:


Most Atari Lynx systems with a carrying case, and 10 games (even the really common games) go for about $50 or higher. My reasoning to buy the above lot (if I could) is that I would make about 8 packages or more and get nearly $400 back. Than I would have a solid collection from the ones I picked.


The more rare games (or let's say the more popular games that demand more money due to bidding wars) I'd sell as singles. Look at his listings: 4 Warbirds... (Possibly bring you about $40 each). Same thing with a few others. So I personally think this would be good to buy but then sell off in parts (while keeping what you want for your collection that is).


But... as mentioned: the joy of hunting is then gone. I thrive off of hunting these things down (or any Atari carts). Heck it took me forever to hunt down a copy of Space Shuttle (now I want a Complete copy with overlay)... and yet I have not been able to play it. But when I got it... I was very happy.


For Lynx... it was the same way. I bought one of those 6 pack deals on ebay that had a few easy-to-get games in it. I had the games at my house for over 2 months. Then I got an Atari Lynx off of ebay for a good price. Then of course I've been picking them up pretty cheap around my town as well (one for $5, one for $7... etc.)


Anyway... I just wondered what you all thought about auctions like this. I don't think the guy will sell unless he lowers his price or divides this up (unless I get my school check in the mail!!!)


I think I'd pay about $500 for all of this. MAYBE $600 shipped.

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Actually this collection looks alot like mine minus the newer titles. I believe it's a fairly decent deal since I've spent over $1800 total at last count and most of those purchases were at decent prices. This is another example of the fact that lynx collecting is not an investment but more for fun because you'll almost never get what you put into it back out. If I was just starting I might consider it but the problem is that unless you already own some lynx stuff you really don't know what your missing and probably wouldn't put out that kind of money. If you already own a bunch of lynx stuff then you really don't need a collection of this size.

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Well... if you look at the auction it has been updated. With 20 fewer titles (including all of the extra copies of stuff like Rampage, Warbirds, Blue Lightning... etc.)


A lot of the resale fodder or trade bait is now gone. :(


As for getting it... I'm not sure. I was going to sell some of it off for other items. Now I can't. Although... If I do get it... that is roughly 55 extra games I don't have that I can add to my collection.


It would mean a few years of fun!

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Okay... looks like I have years of fun in front of me! :)


I went ahead and decided to buy this lot from the guy. The lot didn't sell on ebay (as you can see)... so I contacted him about it and got a good deal.


The way I look at it:


I get 55 new games for my collection (Also some boxed games, a Lynx system with original box, all of the cases to hold the lynx systems I already have and of course the power adaptor and items of that nature).


The rest will be up for sale or trade.


In otherwords... with the going EBAY prices... I will be breaking even (possibly making profit) but I'll still get to keep 55 new games and a lot of acessories.


In otherwords I think I did pretty darn good. I'll post pics and complete details when I get them.



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I got all of my stuff today! It came in 3 boxes, all professionally wrapped and well taken care of. :)


Lots of cool stuff... 99 games, a few surprise ridged and flat carts that I wasn't aware of... and well, plenty of goodies! Two of the Lynx systems look minty fresh (of course one comes with a box).


I'll try to get a picture tonight! :)


Anyone needing a Chip's Challenge 'Ridged' version in a box? :)


:love: :love:


I'll be BUSY BUSY BUSY tonight!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Buying lots as opposed to individual is really a tough question because you can really save ALOT of money if you pick up the right lot. On the other hand it takes the fun away from the hunt.


I suppose it depends on how many systems you like to collect for. Me, I collect for enough systems to know it is gonna be a long time before I have a complete collection for any system.


I did the same thing for my lynx. I bought a lot and narrowed my collection to the point where I need only a small handful of titles in addition to all the songbird stuff.

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