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2004 Atarilympics! - Team Registration


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Yeah nice  idea !!!   :wink:  

I'd like to join the CANADA TEAM

Frenchmen, eh? Well, I guess that's Canadian enough ;)


ze_ro, any chance of a status update with all these teams? Difficult to keep track of it all

Well, if you look back to the very first post, I've kept an up-to-date listing of all the teams and their members... is that what you were looking for?



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The Strength of our team represents our Unity.


The USSR was the strength of hundreds of millions of people working for a single cause.


We encourage anyone who wishes to show solidarity in support not for communism or leftist idealism but strength in unity should seriously consider Team USSR.


But of course we welcome with open arms all communists, leftists, anarchists, and socialists of all kind.


Unity is the key. Our crucial key to success and victory!


Long live the revolution! Let us sweep these atarilympics like its 1984!

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I have to admit that the roleplaying is hilarious. I do wonder why its called 'Team USSR' rather than 'Team CCCP', though (Or do I have something confused?).


Sonno Joi!!



Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Soyuz.... etc

but in english its SSSR, soyuz is the russian word for union


so Team USSR and Team CCCP are both applicable to refer to our team.

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United forever in friendship and labor,

Our mighty switches shall ever endure

The great Soviet Union will live through the ages.

The dream of playing Warlords, their fortress secure.



Long live our Soviet Atariland, controlled by the people's mighty hand.

Long live our People, united and free.

Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,

Shining in glory for Naming That Game.


Through days dark and stormy where Great Bushnell led us

Our eyes saw the bright sun of Cosmic Ark

and Cartwright our Leader with faith in the People,

Inspired us to build up the igloos that we love.




We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,

and brought to our homeland the Ports of Tatio game.

Our glory will live in the memory of gamers

and all generations will honour her name.




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I have to admit that the roleplaying is hilarious. I do wonder why its called 'Team USSR' rather than 'Team CCCP', though (Or do I have something confused?).


Sonno Joi!!



Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Soyuz.... etc

but in english its SSSR, soyuz is the russian word for union


so Team USSR and Team CCCP are both applicable to refer to our team.


Ah. Thank you for clearing that up. As you can tell, the only exposure to Russian-anything I've ever had is Dr. Strangelove, some Paul McCartney concert, and Rocky IV.

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Can we use propoganda to make people join our team?


Join team USSR! We will unite your peoples from oppression in the video game world! No longer will people have to suffer in mediocrity! We are all equal in our pursuit of greatness!

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Can I join Team Activision? If not that, Team Xype would be fine.

For the sake of balance, I've put you on Team Xype instead (since Team Activision already has 5 members)

what is the max team limit.. some of the teams have quite a few more than ohters.. any set lockdown point?

Well, I said before that 7 people would be the max... considering the number of teams though, I'm guessing 4 or 5 will be the norm.



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