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2004 Atarilympics! - Team Registration


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I was just now going through all the events in the 5 games to make sure they worked properly for a competition, and so that I knew any potential scoring issues that might come up (for example, Skeet Shooting in Summer Games is awfully easy to get a perfect score on, so I'll probably only award gold medals for that one, should be an easy medal for every team at least). Anyways, I noticed that there doesn't seem to be a practice mode in Track & Field... that would make it rather difficult to properly get scores from it, so I'm thinking of taking it out of this competition entirely and just sticking with the Activision Decathlon and the three Epyx games. Would anyone have any major complaints about this? I think the only unique event we'd lose is the hammer throw, but since we already have the discus, shot put and javelin from Decathlon, it's probably not a big deal. If no one has any complaints, then I'll post a detailed list of all the events and how they work soon.


Also, I think I'm going to change the limit on team members to 5, and any team with at least 4 members at the moment will be considered full... mostly because I want to make sure all the other teams with only 2 or 3 members can manage to get a full team in time. Also, I think I'm going to cut off creation of new teams about now (Not that anyone was making more new ones anyways, but whatever).



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Whoops! I just now realized that I had originally put "World Class Track Meet" in the list of games in the first post... that should have been "Track & Field" instead. I hope I didn't accidentally confuse anyone with that. This whole event is just Atari 2600 games, no NES games.



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Welcome, maibock, to the team!


Comptech25, just send me a PM if you'd like to join our ranks. :)


I just checked through the leftover shirts I have with me, and they are only size XL. :?


If you want M, Lg, or 2XL, I'll have to do some more searching as I know I have only a few of each of those sizes left around here somewhere! 8)


We could still use at least 2 more people.


@ Zero: No Track n' Field, huh. Oh well. I guess I can use my T+F controller to practice Decathalon. ;)

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?°¸Ze_ro"]Anyways, I noticed that there doesn't seem to be a practice mode in Track & Field... that would make it rather difficult to properly get scores from it, so I'm thinking of taking it out of this competition entirely and just sticking with the Activision Decathlon and the three Epyx games.


I think if the games are limited to Summer Games, Winter Games and Decathlon it'd be a lot easier. You could probably throw in specific sports titles if you needed some filler like Skiing. A lot of us won't have enough time to play all the events if California Games and T&F are included plus T&F is a rare game meaning many people participating probably don't own it and playing it in emulation stinks.

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As of right now, it appears that the members for Team GLOBETROTTER will be:









Stingray, have you joined a team?


If the other teams fill up, we will take on a 5th athlete if needed. 8)


So what's the final decision on including Atari's Track n' Field? Yay or Nay?


I vote to include it. :D

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