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2004 Atarilympics! - Team Registration


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By the way, since there are only two days left for registration, some of you guys might really want to consider changing teams... Especially Dan Iacovelli and ARK1, since it doesn't look like you'll have enough players in time. I can change the rules to accomodate 3 player teams, but any less and it's not really a team anymore. It also might also help a lot if someone from each of the 5-player teams (Team Activision, Team Xype and the Lime Smileys) offered to join one of the understaffed teams to balance them out. It's totally your decision though.


When things actually start, I may be forced to disband some of the smaller teams to make sure things work out. Don't worry, no one will be left out of the competition, but some teams may be forced to fold. Hopefully this won't be necessary, if more people show up at the last minute.


I guess since it seems at least two people want Track & Field to stay in, then I guess we'll keep it. I'm not sure if it really adds anything to the competition though, and it's going to be rather annoying to get scores out of it if you have to keep going through the first events just to get to the later ones every time... but oh well.



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@ Ze_ro: You are da MAN! 8) Thanks for setting this all up!


Maybe Track n' Field events can be used for tie-breaking scores, or something. I'll have to play all these games again for comparison. You make a good point about T+F not having a practice mode. :ponder: ;)


Also, just a suggestion: I'm sure we are all honest fellows here, however, since Albert has graciously provided a cash prize to the winners, I think that all FINAL scores entered should include a screenshot of that score( if this is possible for individual events ).


What does everybody think? :)

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Alright, I finally got off my lazy butt and entered the whole event descriptions (actually, I cut 'n pasted and added in a buttload of HTML, but it still took a damn long time). If you want to read them so you can figure out how each of the events work, please look to the bottom of my first post in this thread. It's exceptionally long! They're all straight out of the manuals, so don't expect to see anything particularly new or insightful.


If anyone has a better description for the Gymnastics event in Summer Games, I'm all ears. That one is bloody confusing.


By the way, you guys might want to start thinking about how you're going to divvy up the events. I'd suggest the easiest way would be to just assign specific people to specific games... perhaps splitting up Decathlon if you have enough team members, since it has so many events.


Team Canada: Pick whatever games you guys like, I'll just take whatever's left. I'm always up for a challenge!



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are we doing an event a day?  or do we have until the 29th to get our best score on all games?

All events will run simultaneously for the entire length of the Atarilympics... so yes, you have until the 29th to get the best scores on all the games.


Hopefully, that won't turn out to be TOO chaotic...



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By the way, since there are only two days left for registration, some of you guys might really want to consider changing teams... Especially Dan Iacovelli and ARK1, since it doesn't look like you'll have enough players in time. I can change the rules to accomodate 3 player teams, but any less and it's not really a team anymore. It also might also help a lot if someone from each of the 5-player teams (Team Activision, Team Xype and the Lime Smileys) offered to join one of the understaffed teams to balance them out. It's totally your decision though.




If Team Italy doesn't get anybody before the deadline then put me with Team USA. (I am also Americain)

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who do we send the scores to?

I'll start another thread sometime on Friday (the 13th). All scores should be posted in there, and I'll keep track of them at the top of the thread sort of how I do for the High Score Club.



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Wouldn't it be better to group the events? E.g. every three or four days the submitting of new scores is closed for a number of games (or maybe after each day for one or two games).


That way you could compute an intermediate overall standing, which IMO would encourage people to try harder.

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Just an idea about the discalification rules :


"...If two members of the same team submit scores for the same event, the lower one will be disqualified, so be careful about what you submit... if a teammate of yours is only in 4 events, and you outscore him, you may end up disqualify your team entirely!..."


To avoid such disqualification problems, won't it be a good idea for each team member to submit their highscore in the event they played to the sport captain (the first person of the team list) using Private Messages and let him post the best scores ?

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By the way, since there are only two days left for registration, some of you guys might really want to consider changing teams... Especially Dan Iacovelli and ARK1, since it doesn't look like you'll have enough players in time. I can change the rules to accomodate 3 player teams, but any less and it's not really a team anymore. It also might also help a lot if someone from each of the 5-player teams (Team Activision, Team Xype and the Lime Smileys) offered to join one of the understaffed teams to balance them out. It's totally your decision though.




If Team Italy doesn't get anybody before the deadline then put me with Team USA. (I am also Americain)


Well, I guess can't be in team USA it just got full :(

This is the last call for anybody who wants to be in team Italy

(If I can't get anybody then levae me out of the games(unless the 8-bit alliance gets a couple peiople then I won't mind join them(if anybodly else wants me let me know)

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I think that the Pole Vault event should be disqualified as an event in these games. It's way too easy to cheat on that one, and since the cheat only involves pressing the button over and over (therefore not really a cheat), how will scoring for that one be made fairly?


As far as only one score per team being allowed, I think that is a bad idea. In the actual olympics, there have been many times where gold silver and bronze went to the same country. Why should these games be any different? Maybe only allowing a certain amount of entries per player would be better.

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Hi All


if anyones got a space I fancy a challenge, dont care what team im on really, commies, japan , whatever.... :)


Im not great at any of the games listed, so please take that into consideration.... but i can start practicing, and yes I've got the carts.... working from home at the mo, so time on my hands !! ;)


Has to be at least 1 Brit involved..... :D





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Hi All


if anyones got a space I fancy a challenge, dont care what team im on really, commies, japan , whatever....  :)  


Im not great at any of the games listed, so please take that into consideration....  but i can start practicing, and yes I've got the carts.... working from home at the mo, so time on my hands !!  ;)  


Has to be at least 1 Brit involved.....  :D  






You wanna join team commodore? :D

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UK WOMBLE wrote:

Hi All


if anyones got a space I fancy a challenge, dont care what team im on really, commies, japan , whatever....


Im not great at any of the games listed, so please take that into consideration.... but i can start practicing, and yes I've got the carts.... working from home at the mo, so time on my hands !!  


Has to be at least 1 Brit involved.....  







You wanna join team commodore?


okey dokey... :)


I once had a C64, so that probably qualifies me ! :)


Just let me know what i have to do when it starts.... (Dont forget the timezones though, its 3.30am here now, bedtime for me i think...)




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