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2004 Atarilympics! - Team Registration


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@ Dan: If the other teams fill up, you are welcome to join team GLOBETROTTER as our 5th athlete, and I'll send you a shirt!  :D


according to Zero your team is full but if he allows me to join your team

you got a deal (I don't need a t-shirt though(but if you do send me one pm me and I'll give you my address) (I welcome any type of bribes :D )


btw: I will have to play using an emulator I don't have any of those games for 2600 (I do have cal games and the lynx and winter games for 7800)

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Alright, I guess that wraps up the registration period... Dan, I put you with the Globetrotters anyway, and I put ARK1 with Team ATHF... hope that's alright. That leaves Team Canada and Team USSR with only 3 people, but I guess that's alright as long as you guys think you're up to the task!


I just got back from work, so give me an hour or two to set up the actual Atarilympics thread, and you guys can start posting scores (if anyone's still up that is).


Now that this thread is done with, I'm going to lock it. Any further comments or discussion should take place in the upcoming thread.


I think that the Pole Vault event should be disqualified as an event in these games. It's way too easy to cheat on that one, and since the cheat only involves pressing the button over and over (therefore not really a cheat), how will scoring for that one be made fairly?

Yeah, I was meaning to address this... I guess the Pole Vault won't be included then. Sorry guys.


As far as only one score per team being allowed, I think that is a bad idea. In the actual olympics, there have been many times where gold silver and bronze went to the same country. Why should these games be any different?

I mostly just want to make sure that everyone gets a chance here... I was a little worried about one or two teams basically monopolizing the scoring. If three seperate teams get medals from every event, then it levels the playing field a bit in my opinion.


To avoid such disqualification problems, won't it be a good idea for each team member to submit their highscore in the event they played to the sport captain (the first person of the team list) using Private Messages and let him post the best scores ?

If that's what your team prefers, then that's fine by me... it's up to you guys how you want to handle it. However, keep in mind that I won't be overly strict about this kind of stuff. If someone is in danger of being disqualified, I'll make sure they know about it (for example, both scores will appear in red or something). I'll make sure things are worked out before the end of the games.


Wouldn't it be better to group the events? E.g. every three or four days the submitting of new scores is closed for a number of games (or maybe after each day for one or two games).


That way you could compute an intermediate overall standing, which IMO would encourage people to try harder.

Well, my plan is to keep an active list of how many medals each team has at any given moment... so even in the middle of next week, you can see how your team is stacking up against the rest. It'll probably take longer to actually edit each post, but I think I can handle it.



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