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Atari 400 Question

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I have an Atari 400 with just 16K of memory and just interested in using it for playing games on cartridges. Does anyone know what all I have to do to upgrade it to be able to play any cart,like one's that are 48K or more? I'm not real knowledgeable about this and the reason I as is I've seen alot of carts available that say they will only run on an 800 or 800XL or higher? Thanks for any help.

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Doesn't the 400 use a different memory expansion system than the 800?


No. The different is - you must solder four jumper wires onto the 400 motherboard. The slot doesn´t have all address cable.

You will be found all parts into the original Atari 400 - 48k Ram expansion kit.



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