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NTSC Bitcorp games, My Golf etc. now available


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I have finished the NTSC versions of 8 Bitcorp games :


Phantom Tank

Dancing Plates

Snail against Squirrel

Sea Monster

Space Tunnel

Mission 3000

Open Sesame

Bobby is going home


These games are 4Kbyte games and I burned them on a 4K Telegames board.Takes some time, because I have to desolder the EPROMs first, but

it 's cheap.I will offer the original PAL cart (also on EPROM board) plus the new cart.Since they are 4K, they fit nicely into a 6-switcher (you know, the 8K Telegames boards don't).


My Golf, Ghostbusters 2 and Acid Drop are 16K games , created on ATARIAGE 16K boards.I will offer them together with the original white label PAL cartridges.


But there are 2 problems :


1) I'm no artist, so I can't do great labels and can only offer plain black/white labels for the games, because I have no talent for making

great labels and no professional software for it.

Maybe some of the artists here can offer labels for sale for those who need professional labels.


2) Shipping from Germany now takes 8 weeks sometimes and the problem seems to be the US postal service.So even when sent with air mail , it may take up to 8 weeks until the package arrives.

It's also very expensive ($10 surface mail/$12 air mail, for 1 game).



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