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Are you a snob, when it comes to Sears TeleGames Carts?


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Back in the day I had Pong Sports instead of Video Olympics, Race instead of Indy 500, and the Sears versions of Bowling and Super Breakout (which was a Sears Exclusive for a short time). Naturally I always wished I had the Atari versions. Of course now I do have all of the Atari titles as well as a complete Sears collection.

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The sears tele-games text labels are pretty lame, but the picture labels aren't that bad.


I'd rather have an Atari Adventure than a Sears one, though I can't say I really know why. But in the end, I want to collect them all.


Sears just seems like the 'generic' version of the games.

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I collect major label variations, so I have quite a few Sears carts, although they were the last company I started actively looking for in NTSC land. I'm basically looking for them for completeness sake.


Growing up, I always hated Sears branded merchandise. I remember getting these lego things as a kid that looked like legos, except they were from Sears and didn't fit any of the real Legos. The same was true of the Sears game labels. I considered them fake as a kid and always waited for the Atari branded games. The Only Sears carts I think are worthwhile to someone who doesn't collect everything VCS are the picture labels that are different from their Atari Co. counterparts, and the exclusives. Otherwise, they are indeed quite ugly.

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I never much cared for the Sears games my self, but I have not started to ad them to my collection, plus I now have a 6 switch and the Arcade II systems in my collection, but I am still looking for a MIB 4 switch sears system, those seem harder to find.



:roll: :) :!:

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Personnaly i like the sears games they were the only ones i gould get easialy in my small town, when the sears arcade 2 came out i had to get one and of course i got it at teh neighborhood sears store. I have about 15 sears games and i love them as much as i do the Other label variations.



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I've passed over all kinds of Sears versions of games I needed, just so I wouldn't have any of those lame labels in my collection. I will pick up the occasional Sears pic Label if I like the art, but otherwise, the only Sears I have are the exclusives.


I am the ultimate anti-Sears Snob! :)

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Yeah, my first Atari was a Sears Tele-Games in ' 79 (or 80?). After my friends started getting "real" Ataris (which wasnt until a year later) I felt like I had been conned, and I'm talking about the system itself! It seemed like I had some kind of cheap knockoff. The reset switch on it didnt even last me until the end of the Golden Age. Oh and those cartridge labels... they're even a step down from the Atari text labels. And what the hell is Breakaway IV supposed to mean? Did they really have to rename the games? Makes no sense to me.


I can think of one good thing about my Sears Atari. It came with TWO games - Space Invaders and Target Fun (Air-Sea Battle) instead of just one.

Although consequently I was the only Atari owner alive that didnt have Combat.

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hey i'm the only guy who likes em! i always figured they were a hair more rare than the regular ones so i collected all of them. i prefer having them displayed in my collection, i think all the uniform gold lettered end labels look good together. i also like the early atari colored text labels, the games always the same, its about the fonts!


of course i did have a telegames system back in the day and my "santa" seemed to have a sears credit card.

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The sears tele-games text labels are pretty lame, but the picture labels aren't that bad.


I used to be a Sears snob but recently I've been on a real quest for Sears picture labels that have unique graphics and/or title names. Some of that artwork is really sweet!


Black Jack, Breakaway IV, Chase, Gunslinger, Outer Space, Poker Plus, and Space Combat are some good examples of this.

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I have collected nearly all the Sears games because I think they are an interesting facet of Atari history. I don't know if there are many other examples where a third-party company relabeled (and renamed in many cases!) the same games being sold by a first-party company. While the text labels are generally boring, some of the unique picture labels are nice.



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when I first started, I didn't care who made it, as long as I had the title. When I was buying stuff in massive hunks, I ended up with most of the sears variations without even trying. I always kept any sears version I didn't have. Though, I don't keep them with my collection (aside from the 3 unique titles,)

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I have collected nearly all the Sears games


Put up a picture of "Pong Sports" then! :P


I don't have the picture label. If someone sends it to me (200dpi scan or better, main and end labels) I'll post it. :)




Al are ya'll caught up with submissions to the database? I occasionally see items missing, which I own, but I figured some were already in your possession.. maybe via snail mail submissions on cd from other members here..

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Al are ya'll caught up with submissions to the database? I occasionally see items missing, which I own, but I figured some were already in your possession..  maybe via snail mail submissions on cd from other members here..


Heck no I'm not all caught up, but simple things like adding cart scans to the database don't take very much time. :D Yes, as far as CDs go, I have to post two Lynx catalogs soon. Among other things. :)



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