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101 uses for a dead 2600 carts.


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I know some of you have 2600 carts that are hopelessly dead. No amount of TLC would work, no scrubbing and cleaning the contact would work, nothing. So I'd like some ideas for reusing dead 2600 carts:


#1 Sumguy bait. Print out fake labels of rare games like Quadran and Crazy Climber. Slap on $0.25 stickers and carry them whenever you visit flea market and thrift shop. If you spot a pile of booty and a potional sumguy near it, "plant" the fake rare cart and then pretend to pick it up and make sure the sumguy sees it. Hopefully that sumguy would want those carts and forget the real booty, leaving you to clean up. :D


#2 Bookends. Why not? Stack a few with good end labels and glue 'em together.


#3 lamp. I think someone has actually made a lamp out of 2600 carts.


#4 substitute for clay pegion for target practice.


#5 classic themed grave marker.


#6 Tile the floor


#7 lob 'em at stray animals who tries to mark on your lawn.


Any other ideas?

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#19 - take a USB Flash memory "Pen Drive" containing all your Atari ROMS inside it, as well as a copy of Z26, plus 2 Stelladapters. Carve out an old Atari cartridge and glue these all inside. Voila, you an Atari cartridge that plays on a computer!


#20) Turn it into a hinged case holding your SD cards


#21) Turn it into the world's coolest MP3 player.

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#3 lamp.  I think someone has actually made a lamp out of 2600 carts...

#16 Make a coffee table out of them


I've been saying for years tha I want to make a "Combat" cart coffee table! 8)


Still haven't even gotten as far as starting to collect the carts for it. :ponder:


Jarett also made a lamp, but I couldn't find a picture of it. He had both of these at CGE 2003:



#27: Make- Up/ Cigarette Compact



#28: Krytol's Combat Clock


#29: Dust cover: http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=488775


#30: Hockey puck



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#35 Mark them as "bad" and keep them nearby when you play. When you get frusrated at a game, pick up a dead cart, and whip it against the wall! :D


It'll save your good games and systems a lot of damage, and you still get to visit violence upon technology.

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36) Use as a coffin for -very- small pets that have died...or perhaps larger dead pets "adapted" to use multiple cart coffins. This is kind of a innovative idea, since you can bury one in all of the pet's favorite locations :)


37) Attempt to create a work of art entitled "The Videogame Crash Of The '80s"...in which you see how high you can stack a single-tier column of carts until they fall over.


38) Build the fabled "SS Balogna" out of them, and rescue Noble Kale from that wretched island already!


39) Pawn them off to little kids unaccustomed to the VCS, claiming that they are for an entirely new system. This works well with picture label carts...since you can claim that the artwork on them are in-game screenshots (making them appear to be pretty advanced).

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