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Quick assembler question


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Hi all,


I have a few small coding questions:


I am of course these days using Fox's great XASM which makes coding via the PC a nice experience although, I'm not totally familiar yet with the Quick Assembler as I used to use the very old Atari Assembler back then as I never got a MAC65 cartridge. There are a few differences with the syntax which I am now familiarising myself with. As well as trying to remember all of the 6502 that I once knew!


After looking through some XASM sourcecode, I was wondering about this command:


ror @ <---- I assume that this is (as the documentation states) marked with the @ as it is the accumulator addressing mode?


Can someone clarify exactly what this is doing?


Here is an example of a section of code




STA $84

AND #$03

STA $86

LDA $84



ror @

ror @

ADC $82


LDA $83

ADC #$00


LDA $85

AND #$07

STA $87

LDA $85

AND #$F8


ror @

ror @

ror @


CPX #$00




ADC #$30



ADC #$00





also, another very basic question.. in my old source code I could deifine bytes by..



.byte $70,$70,$70



I have tried to replace this with..


dta b $70,$70,$70



XASM compains that a label hasn't been defined on the line that contains the first dta b


should I just use

dta $70,$70,$70


:? As always, Any help is appreciated.

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:idea: Yes, it looks like 'ror @' means 'ror a' or simply 'ror'.




  ror @ 

  ror @ 

  ror @

That's a perfect example of the programmer not knowing exactly what the opcode does and which opcodes are available too. Instead he could have written:

   lsr @ 

  ror @ 

  ror @

I have seen this mistake quite often in old code, probably the 650x documentation wasn't very complete.

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Some more help if possible..


I'm just now using Code Genie front end for XASM and have set-up the config file as Fox describes in the documentation. For some reason it's not generating the object file?


In the output window, I get "Running xasm.exe /p" and my path and source file is then listed correctly after this.


I then get "Process terminated successfully."

"Exit code 3"


And no object file is created??


the xasm.exe executable is in the same directory as code genie


:? Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

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do not know... but one problem i have discovered in the past was that code genie was configured in unix mode and not dos mode regarding CR/line end maybe this is causing the problem?


have you checked a dummy XASM program like putting simple colours on screen etc? just to see if the assembling works correctly?


will the object file being generated when using xasm manually?

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Thanks Heaven, I worked it out. It seems that either XASM has a limit to the path length to compile from or that one of my folder names had a space in it (I never normally do this :roll: ). I copied my whole Code-Genie/XASM folder to the raw C drive path and it works fine now.

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Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


I have following setup:


Code Genie is in:


D:EmuAtariXEUtil-PC-CGCode Genie 3.0>


Xasm is in:




Also in above directory i have x-asm.bat. With following content:


d:emuAtariXEUtil-PC-CGxasm.exe %1 /l /o:blah.xex


In cgenie.conf i have following content:


AddUserTool Xasm D:emuAtarixeutil-pc-cgx-asm.bat $FP CaptureOutput


This works fine ;)

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