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Atari Vote for Zombie for Jones Cola Label

Atari Charles

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Hi Everyone,


I took this picture of my friends son acting like a zombie. Kind of a crazy picture, but sometimes that's what Jone's Cola is looking for. I was hoping that some of you could take a few seconds and vote positivily for this pic.






Also, some of you should take some Atari related digital pictures and submit them to Jones Cola. Your pic may make a label. Imagine an Atari 2600 on a pop Bottle label.



Atari Charles

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A young boy who appears to be naked and beaten/drugged? That will sell at Neverland Ranch, but the rest of the country would be horrified.


Why would we or anyone else want to see an Atari on the label? Are we that desperate for attention? And why wouldn't Jones just sell the label as ad space for an Xbox if they wanna go that route? Let's also remember that 99.999999% of the world doesn't give a shit about classic video games.

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I just want to thank everyone who voted. Yes, it a wierd picture. He looks beaten and or drugged as he in impersonating a zombie.


There is another one of him pretending he is Smeagol. Vote for it if you wish. Higher votes are really appreciated, my precious!





Thanks again everyone!!


Atari Charles

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Thanks for the votes. I look at these pictures as Michael simply pretending to be different characters from movies. People don't look at Gollum from LOTR as pornographic just because he is in a loin cloth, nor do they look at Zombies (shirt on or off) as the next male sex symbol. These are just silly pictures and that's all.


I understand how the zombie image would be popular at the neverland ranch, but then that's MJ's problem for looking at kids in a sick way. Kid's playing in a swimming pool would be popular at the neverland ranch as well.


I do appreciate the comments and if I was to do the pics again, I'd probably use make-up to make Micheals face look like it is decaying. And in the Gollum pic, I'd try and make him look even moe like Gollum re:the blotchy skin and thinning hair. But then the pictures wouldn't be spontanous and would look like we are trying to hard to be on the next pop bottle cover.


As for Atari, I think there are more Classic Video Game afficiantos than we think. Lots of us grew up during the Atari Age (after the Ice-Age and before the X-Box Age"shutter shutter") and have fond memories playing Atari with siblings, parents, etc. I do think people care about Atari, Commodore, Intellivision, etc. and yes a pic of someone playing Atari or an Atari placed artistically somewhere would get atatnetion and votes from retro gamers and non-retrogamers alike.


I like Atari for sentitmental and technological reasons. I would like Atari if I was the only person on the planet who did. It is great that we all have a cool meeting place to hang out, talk shop, etc. I suspect that if many of us lived in the same city, I'm sure we'd more than likely hang out.


So snap a few digital pics of your Atari's with or without people and send them in to Jones Cola. It is very easy to upload images. And yes, people do care and have an interest in this genre(subgenre) of classic video games.


Atari Charles

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