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Imagic props...


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I was looking at the pic on the box of Cosmic Ark. Whatever became of the 'ship' that was used in the pic? It can't be a drawing.....It looks like a little plastic makeshift prop. In fact, almost all the Imagic games' covers seems to have a prop of some sort on the cover. Of course I may be completley wrong here, so feel free to shut me up! :wink:


Just wondering.........

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Just looked at the scan and it does indeed look like a model ship and not

a picture. But you know what happens to most of these things, once they

have been used for what they want, they destroy the prop/model etc.. and reuse

the materials for other props.


But still it may still exist and if anyone finds it, that will be one hell of a collectible! :D


But honestly I doubt it survived! ;)

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I either have a magazine or I saw an article from a magazine on the Internet where they show what they used. Cheap plastic toys that were spray painted. If I have that article, I'm not sure which magazine it might be in, but if I ever find it, I'll hunt down this thread and post a scan.

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I either have a magazine or I saw an article from a magazine on the Internet where they show what they used. Cheap plastic toys that were spray painted. If I have that article, I'm not sure which magazine it might be in, but if I ever find it, I'll hunt down this thread and post a scan.
I believe that article was in VIDEO GAMES magazine (which was the best video game magazine of all time by far).


Imagic used cheap toys bought at the store for their covers. The "demons" on Demon Attack were actually two rubber dinosaurs with metallic spraypaint. I actually owned the dinosaurs (not the ones on the cover but the exact same toys) years before the cart came out. Wish I still had them, you people would be blown away.

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I either have a magazine or I saw an article from a magazine on the Internet where they show what they used. Cheap plastic toys that were spray painted. If I have that article, I'm not sure which magazine it might be in, but if I ever find it, I'll hunt down this thread and post a scan.
I believe that article was in VIDEO GAMES magazine (which was the best video game magazine of all time by far).


Imagic used cheap toys bought at the store for their covers. The "demons" on Demon Attack were actually two rubber dinosaurs with metallic spraypaint. I actually owned the dinosaurs (not the ones on the cover but the exact same toys) years before the cart came out. Wish I still had them, you people would be blown away.

Found it! I just got done scanning it in then read your post. This one is from Videogaming Illustrated, August 1982, page 61. The following scan is fairly large in file size (and physical size), but I wanted to make sure you guys could read it.


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Those are the dinosaurs I had, but I've never seen that article. I still think Video Games talked about it as well.

I thought I saw a larger article with color pictures somewhere. Maybe it was in the magazine you are talking about. I also thought the article started on the left page. The one I posted above was on the right page.

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I don't remember any Videogaming Illustrated magazine.


But then no one but me seems to remember Video Games, that one was created by the editors of High Times and had Ken Uston reviewing home games and Eugene Jarvis as the aracde reviewer. It was targeted at grownups and was far more honest than the other mags.

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Heh, I had some of those toys, like the Millennium Falcon model used on the cover of Star Voyager. Also notice the other ship on that cover uses parts from the Battlestar Galactica ship model (had that one too).


I'd love to see a comprehensive list of all the toys they used.

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I don't remember any Videogaming Illustrated magazine.

I only have three issues. I bought them in 1984 or 1985 at a comic book shop in Canton, Ohio. They had a bunch of various old video game magazines in a box, but I could only afford those three, even though they were cheap. I guess I should scan a few pages in from those while I'm scanning in some of my K-Power pages.


But then no one but me seems to remember Video Games, that one was created by the editors of High Times and had Ken Uston reviewing home games and Eugene Jarvis as the arcade reviewer. It was targeted at grownups and was far more honest than the other mags.

I don't remember if I ever got a look at that one for sure. I might have seen it at a store if it was sold in my area. Are there any cover scans on the Internet? I'd probably know for sure if I could see the front covers. Speaking of Eugene Jarvis, I still have the premiere issue of JoyStik magazine that has a nice interview. Maybe I should scan that in too.

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