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U.S. Games!!


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Am I the only person that actually likes US Games? I always thought their box art was excellent and the games have their own simplistic charm. Squeeze Box is a classic, and Gopher is quite fun. Name this Game sucks, but it has an interesting story behind it. I guess there's just a space in me that loves every game company, even the ones that suck. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

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Ive always enjoyed some of their games. Entombed is still one of my all time favorite head to head or co-op games. And I still enjoy Space Jockey for a good blast. MAD is fun too. But good god, Raft Rider holds the stink spot of worst game I've ever played. U.S. games sure had some stinkers.

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the games have their own simplistic charm

So does a game of Tic-tac-toe, but I'd rather play Demon Attack


Like pretty much every company, US Games had a few winners and a few losers. The problem is that they were competing against hot companies like Activision and Imagic, so most gamers didn't take much notice of them. Entombed, Commando Raid, Eggomania and Gopher are good games. But they never made anything I'd call great.


Everyone knows that US Games was owned by General Mills Cereals, right?

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I grew up on Eggomania so I have nothing against that game. The sound effects stick in my head after a while.


I think U.S Games has some nice games. They're not the BEST, but most of them are certainly average at best.

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Actually I liked the Mythicon games. Granted that they are better games for the 2600 but I found the games to be enjoyable in short doses. I don't think however that this would be the kind of game that I would play over and over again like I would with either Pitfall 2 or Adventure.

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eugh. raft rider. stain on all that is decent. one of the few 2600 games worse than double dragon. though i agree, mythicon games are strangely enjoyable. i love the funky music. i mean, really, how much other funk does the 2600 even have?? A system -FROM- the 70s and its got almost NO funk.

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