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High Score Club Week 19: Midnight Magic


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For those that want to get the side kickers here is a way to get it 3 out of 5 balls - I dont know why the shooting speed varies but if you pull the plunger all the way down and the move it up just until the 3rd line shows (ie, only 2 lines should be showing on the pluger, 1 move from the 3rd) it should hit the center target. It only worked for me 2 or 3 of the 5 balls but is the right place to start.


Anyone know if you can 'knudge' the table?


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Seriously, whoever picked this game has given me a headache. I have never threw down a controller so many times than with this game, and its only the first day... after all the kicking and screaming i got a measly 52,400.


Heh, I know what you mean, this game sucks on difficulty A! :) Makes it interesting though...I had many games where I couldn't get anywhere NEAR 10,000, which is ridiculous! FINALLY had a good one, where I netted over 200,000 though...pretty insane game, too, since I got an extra ball, then knocked down all the targets, except for one...the ball was in play forever...I was at 2x forever...the ball finally goes down the drain...it's in play for a long time AGAIN...STILL that one damn target is standing, mocking me! Lost it, then all three balls went down the drain in very rapid succession. Oh well, good luck everyone.


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I've got a few tips I've figured out.


There's a sweet spot with the plunger. If you find it, the ball will hit the bumper and then the light bumper target, scoring 3000 points and 1000 for each bumper hit, along with activating all the posts and kickbacks.


The controls are a little mushy. Don't let the ball go down to the flipper before you swing, or you'll lose your ball for sure.


The bumpers are very valuable. Try to keep the ball in the bumpers as much as possible, but watch out for the ball going down the middle.


Keep the ball as far away from the in/out lanes as possible. They're deathtraps.


That's all I can think of. Happy pinballing. :)

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well after a week or two of hiatus I figured to get back in the game

here is my score:


(not bad considering I'm playing it on emulator)

(shamless plug coing: Join Team Italy in the Atari Olympics)


oops, disallow that score

Iplayed it on setting on b instead on a (me bad (team Italy does not cheat))

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well after a week or two of hiatus I figured to get back in the game

here is my score:


(not bad considering I'm playing it on emulator)

(shamless plug coing: Join Team Italy in the Atari Olympics)


oops, disallow that score

Iplayed it on setting on b instead on a (me bad (team Italy does not cheat))


ok here is my correct score:

10525 (settings on A)


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Also, I've been curious for a long time about the multiplier/color combinations.  I'd be interested to know who can get the highest multiplier/color combination -- I've never gotten beyond 3x/Green.  If anyone has a list of them, I'd find it interesting.


Yeah, I've always guessed it would go up to 9x, but not 10, but I was wrong: looks like 5x is the highest it'll go.


Personally, until just a few minutes ago, the highest I ever got was 4x--tan.


So it's:








Well, clobbered my last score, and this even beat my personal high score of...hell, I don't know! :) I know it was somewhere in the 300,000 range, and that was on difficulty B!


Couple tips:


* Once the center blocker is activated, whenever the ball appears to be heading straight down the drain (i. e. down the middle), most of the time, if you let it go, it will usually bounce back up into the playfield...I usually find this to happen 75-90% of the time. If a flipper is raised, the ball could bounce back underneath it, hit the flipper, and go right back down.


* Try to keep aiming the ball for the top of the screen, so you can hit the drop targets to activate the multiplier, then go for the extra ball in the corner loops, which is the most important thing to do, pretty much.


That's it, my right wrist hurts...good night!


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Few things i wanted to point out. One, the most annoying thing in the world in this game is when the ball goes down one of the chutes next to your flippers, bounches up above your flipper and right into the hole, beyond the centerpost. Two, I kinda noticed that all the games lately have been not having Todd Rogers in 1st. Like that's gonna stop him from maxing out the score :P

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9,125. And I shan't play this silly game any further, so that's a final score. Sometimes it's just fun to see how quickly I can lose the ball. This game's only marginally more entertaining than an MS screen saver (and just barely more interactive).



(Now, if we were playing the original VCS pinball, I'd be topping a million. :twisted:)

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Here's a tip:


Use the joystick to launch the ball, then qiuckly unplug it and plug in a pair of paddle controllers to control the flippers. Alternatively, you could use the joystick to pull the plunger, then swap in a track and field controller so you don't have to be fast about swapping the controls.

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Wow, it's amazing what one lucky play can net you: 291,115! I tried to take a screen shot, but Stella had grabbed my mouse so I couldn't manage to load up any programs to actually take the screen shot :x I still haven't gotten around to cleaning out my real cartridge, so that's from an emulator. I'm actually really surprised with how fun this game actually is! The ball physics are surprisingly good considering the hardware limitations... it certainly beats out Video Pinball as far as simulation goes! I'll have to play this one more often.



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I dislike the ball physics as well. I always lose the first ball because it never seems to want to hit anything for points.


There are some areas on the board that could be better utilized. They're dead space and also hazards for losing a ball.

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