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New guy w/ old CX2600


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After a weekend back from my great aunt's in Montreal, I've been curious to see if my old CX2600 still works. I've done some research (thanks to this site) and I notice I will need to modify my system to the RCA cables. I've seem the scematics which were posted, but I'll be honest, I'm not that tech. capable to do the modification myself.


My question is this. Is there a step-by-step approach on the web that will make the modification easier for me? TIA.

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Ohh man, the memories just came back. Thanks for your help. I'm using my old sega genesis controls, they work well. I touched up my paddles with some rubbing alcohol on the conectors, they are also working now. I've cleaned out the carts. with rubbing alcohol and the graphics are crystal clear. The only problem is with Kaboom. It doesn't want to work?



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Does Kaboom power up?


If not, try cleaning the end of it that goes into the 2600 with a tiny dab of rubbing alchol or use an eraser on the contacts.


If it powers up and the paddles don't respond, could be the paddles themselves.

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I shall try the eraser trick. The paddles worked fine up until recently, one side (right player paddle) isn't working. The mechanism turns smoothly but the corresponding player doesn't show up in the game? Maybe I'll try the eraser on the paddle connections too. Thanks guys. My freinds are loving this.

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