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Crystal Castles rant


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Is it just me, or does this game need a trakball edition way worse than missile command? I have yet to play Missile Command TB - and I'd like to have it - but I never really minded how that one controlled with the joystick.


I really liked arcade crystal castles, but the control on this one really hurts! I am really impressed by the graphics and levels present, but it's just not much fun wrestling Bently around with the akward joystick control. Anyone else feel the same? Who else would love to see Crystal Castels TB 8) ?

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Who else would love to see Crystal Castels TB  8) ?

Sorry, but most likely that dream won't come true.


Using the trak ball needs a lot of free CPU time during the display kernel and the Crystal Castle kernel is way to sophisticated to offer enough of that time.

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Who else would love to see Crystal Castels TB  8) ?

Sorry, but most likely that dream won't come true.


Using the trak ball needs a lot of free CPU time during the display kernel and the Crystal Castle kernel is way to sophisticated to offer enough of that time.

Add some extra kernel :D

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I would rather just see a 5200 version of the game!


Sadly it doesn't exist. After much research it has been determined that the late 84 beta for the Atari 8-bits was as far as it ever got. Crystal Castles was being developed for the Atari 8-bit then was going to be ported to the 5200. Since the 8-bit version was never finished the 5200 port was never started (or bearly started, but I highly doubt it).


However that doesn't mean that someone couldn't finish up the 8-bit proto (it's pretty much done except for sound and music) and port it to the 5200 (HINT! HINT!). :D



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I would rather just see a 5200 version of the game!


Sadly it doesn't exist. After much research it has been determined that the late 84 beta for the Atari 8-bits was as far as it ever got. Crystal Castles was being developed for the Atari 8-bit then was going to be ported to the 5200. Since the 8-bit version was never finished the 5200 port was never started (or bearly started, but I highly doubt it).


However that doesn't mean that someone couldn't finish up the 8-bit proto (it's pretty much done except for sound and music) and port it to the 5200 (HINT! HINT!). :D




Well if someone can pull of an awesome port of Burgertime I see no reason that Crystal Castles couldn't happen :D I'd gladly buy it up! *nudge nudge*

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What I don't understand is that in Atari's own house organ back then, they advertised Crystal Castles and Millipede as being games that would use the trackball in trackball mode... are there some unknown protos out there relating to this or was atari just trying to bolster sales of trackballs with flat out lies?

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It was probably marketing hype created before the game was even finished.


Frankly though I find that even playing with the Trak Ball in joystick mode still provides a much better experience overall than a joystick. I totaly sucked at it with the joystick -- it just wasn't natural or intuitive at all. But with the Trak Ball it's a whole different story -- it's actually playable and what's more, even enjoyable. It's still a bit of a disappointing conversion (okay, I miss the hidden warps and miss the jewels that look like more than just 2600 Pac Man wafers) but the Trak Ball helps make up for some of it, at least.

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I have a Crystal Castles for the 2600. It is a good game Graphics & Sound wise, because it is a 2600 game & it isn't known for the most detailed of sounds & such.


But I'll admit, this game is kind of hard to control with a Joystick. I always die on the first level unless If I'm having a good day, then I die on the 2nd. And I think its because my Joystick is wearing away on the contacts. But It isn't much better on the emulator, but at least I can control it.

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Frankly though I find that even playing with the Trak Ball in joystick mode still provides a much better experience overall than a joystick. .


I agree. I grew up playing it with a joystick, so I got pretty darn good (to the tune of 300K), but ever since I've had my Trak-ball, I've had MORE fun using it instead. My scores aren't as high, but it does fool me into thinking its more like the arcade. :)

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