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My Atari 2600 (original woodgrain model) came in today from my good friend, Ebay. It came with two joysticks and two paddle controllers as well as ten games. Pacman, Video Olympics, Combat, Real Sports baseball, Defender, Space Invaders, football, ET (THE HORROR) Demons to Diamonds , and Warlords. I plan on going to a local used gaming store to pick up some new titles such as Centipede and Kaboom! I am curious though, my television doesn't appear to have the jack required to host this newly acquired Godlike device. Is there some form of RFU adapter or anything I should obtain? Thankyou for your time. I'll post some pics later after I go get a power supply.

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 I am curious though, my television doesn't appear to have the jack required to host this newly acquired Godlike device.  Is there some form of RFU adapter or anything I should obtain? Thankyou for your time. I'll post some pics later after I go get a power supply.


You can use this (best picture quality):




Or This (if you don't want to disconnect your cable every time you want to play):




You can't use the automatic splitter for this system. It won't work.

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Recommended (and surely inexpensive): Adventure, Superman, Stampede, Frostbite, Seaquest.


Extremely overrated (FYI): Pitfall, Asteroids, Demon Attack.


Agreed all the way until you said Asteroids and Demon Attack were extremely overrated (yeah, I've never been a fan of Pitfall, myself). Hey, this is just one man's opinion, but I'd argue that Asteroids and Demon Attack stand as some of the top titles for the system. Oh, and so is StarMaster :D

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E.T. is an excellent adventure game for anyone not lazy or dumb enough to read the instructions and apply them. It's not for the twitch crowd, granted.


Hawg -- it's taken for granted that taste is a personal matter and will differ. The reason for which I believe those games to be overrated (other than in a historical-game context, obviously!) centers on playability: for me, they quickly become repetitive to a fault. Technical breakthroughs -- the first bank-switching, the first good arcade-style shoot-'em-up on the VCS, etc. -- pale, to my mind, in comparison with the actual playing, which is of course why games exist in the first place.


Why am I always able to turn replies to quick remarks into novels?

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Oh, Chris. Naturally, differing tastes are taken for granted. Besides, I'm just offering another opinion -- I'll always rise to defend the honor of both Asteroids and Demon Attack.


So, who's right here? Probably no one. However, we could resolve this with either an arm-wrestling match or a good ol' Saline County, Ark., fist fight or pistol duel. Your choice :D

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I'll go with the "no one's right" conclusion. ;) It's like saying that someone's right or wrong because he likes a certain type of food.


It's all personal. That's half the fun of games. (Well, maybe, like, 33% of the fun.)


That gives me another idea for a thread. (That's how slow work is around here today.) I wonder if everyone in the forum could agree on a truly bad game. Every time a bunch of people make fun of a certain title, like, say, a Mythicon travesty, there's always one person who pipes up and says, "Hey, I like that game! Of course, it was all I had while I was growing up, because our VCS didn't even come with Combat, since my mom bought it used, using the money she got after melting down her tooth fillings and selling them to a jeweler, and I had to share my bedroom with seven brothers, two of whom died from hunger because we were so poor, so that little Fire Fly still reminds me of them, especially when he turns into a sad-face and drops to the ground..." But I wonder if we could all absolutely agree on a game that's just no fun at all. My first guess would be Racquetball (Apollo).

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I'll go with the "no one's right" conclusion. ;)  It's like saying that someone's right or wrong because he likes a certain type of food.


Although I'm disappointed you didn't opt for the fist fight or pistol duel, I can't argue with your conclusion one whit. Yeah, gaming is all about subjective opinion. Always has been, and always will be.


Now, you were asking for truly bad games. How about "Slot Machine" by Atari. Good grief!

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"Hey, I like that game! Of course, it was all I had while I was growing up, because our VCS didn't even come with Combat, since my mom bought it used, using the money she got after melting down her tooth fillings and selling them to a jeweler, and I had to share my bedroom with seven brothers, two of whom died from hunger because we were so poor, so that little Fire Fly still reminds me of them, especially when he turns into a sad-face and drops to the ground..."





ummmm wow

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I'll go with the "no one's right" conclusion. ;)  It's like saying that someone's right or wrong because he likes a certain type of food.


It's all personal. That's half the fun of games. (Well, maybe, like, 33% of the fun.)


That gives me another idea for a thread. (That's how slow work is around here today.) I wonder if everyone in the forum could agree on a truly bad game. Every time a bunch of people make fun of a certain title, like, say, a Mythicon travesty, there's always one person who pipes up and says, "Hey, I like that game! Of course, it was all I had while I was growing up, because our VCS didn't even come with Combat, since my mom bought it used, using the money she got after melting down her tooth fillings and selling them to a jeweler, and I had to share my bedroom with seven brothers, two of whom died from hunger because we were so poor, so that little Fire Fly still reminds me of them, especially when he turns into a sad-face and drops to the ground..." But I wonder if we could all absolutely agree on a game that's just no fun at all. My first guess would be Racquetball (Apollo).


I agree Raquetball sucks but I think Karate is the better candidate for universal suckdom. I don't think the joysticks actually do anything in Karate, it's unplayable.

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The other side of that argument about universally despised game is when there's a game everybody says is great except for 1 person. Example:


Almost Everyone at AA: HERO is an incredibly good game on the 2600



fanboy ladouche: I hate HERO. My dad was a coalminer named Timothy who got trapped in a mine and the other 2 miners ate him when they ran out of food so I hate that game man.

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I think you'll have to split it into two categories: games people universally think are bad, and games no one likes. I don't think you'll every find a game that every single person dislikes. Hell, I kind of like Skeet Shoot, for chrissake. :P

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