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Would i be missing any ?


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HI all.

I don't actually own a 2600 system at this moment in time(although this may well change soon).....i have done in the past,but for now,all i am doing,is enjoying some of my old favourites from the past(and discovering some new ones) via an emulator.What i'd like to know,is if i obtain all the titles that are available for this system at this place,would i then own everything that was possible to get,or would i stil be missing any,and if so,where would i be able to obtain them ?.

I've not read all the rules here yet,so posting links to other sites to obtain such stuff(if that's what's needed in this case)may well not be allowed,for all i know.If that is so,then perhaps someone could PM me where i'd need to look,should i not be able to aquire all that i need from this great site.

Please try to be gentle with this newbie ;) .

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Hello and welcome, please take a good read of the FAQ for the 2600.




This will answer meny of your questions, also the rarity guide:




with the Region and TV type set correctly and no other restrictions will give you an idea of how meny games there are.

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Hello and welcome, please take a good read of the FAQ for the 2600.




This will answer meny of your questions, also the rarity guide:




with the Region and TV type set correctly and no other restrictions will give you an idea of how meny games there are.


Okay,thanks for that.....looks like i've got a lot of reading to do :) lol.Seems to be a stack of interesting stuff amongst all that lot...going to be quite busy for a while i can see.After a very quick glance through some of it,it looks like there's no Activision titles available from here(or at least not on the first few pages that i looked at)...so that's one company that i'll have to try and hunt down if i can.

If anyone knows off hand which companies i can't get from here,that would be very useful info that would help me out no end.


Some games cost over $500 and are still rarely seen on ebay, so it'll be kinda hard to get it all. Hombrews and protos don't help much either.  


Not quite the most positive note to start off with, but welcome aboard .


Hi.Yeah,i can imagine it being almost an impossible task,obtaing just about all that was ever dumped for emulation use.Like to get as many as i can though,even so.

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You can find almost all of the NTSC releases for the 2600, and the major PAL ROMs that weren't released in the USA here. You will also find a lot of homebrews and demos that were never originally sold when the big game companies were still producing Atari games.


But to get a 100% complete collection, you'll probably need to visit similar sites overseas which would probably have more of the PAL games (and I don't have the first clue where to look for SECAM format ROMs). Also, there are a good number of known prototypes of games both that were released in final form and that were cancelled before being released to the public. And a lot of those titles have several different known revisions, some of which will be kind of hard to find for download.


If you have access to a good Usenet server, look around in the TOSEC newsgroups. They rotate systems, but from time to time, you can find a damn near complete 2600 collection available all in one RAR compressed file. That's by far the easiest way to get the thousands of ROMs and variations out there. Saves a lot of carpal tunnel syndrome compared with clicking to download individual files. But I'd be willing to bet that if you used all the available, free internet sources, you can probably get well over 99% of extant titles for the system. Good luck!

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Thank you Max-T / KaeruYojimbo for your useful information.....it sounds like it's going to be one massive task,trying to obtain an almost complete set.Still,that wont prevent me from trying,and i feel fairly certain that i'll virtually achieve it,if i stick at it long enough.

Many thanks to everyone who replied within this thread for your help,it's very much appreciated :) .

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Hey man,


Welcome to AA!


Getting a complete 2600 collection is an impossible dream, but that doesn't stop some of us from trying. :D


Thanks.If i get interested enough,i'll probably end up buying another 2600(haven't had one for years),and looking out for carts whenever i go anywhere,especially boot fairs and any secondhand shops....they'd probably be my best bet,although you don't often find this kinda stuff in the wild,at least not in England.

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Pinman, in the meantime you might want to just buy a joystick off ebay and the stelladapter controller from the Atari Age store. It lets you use original Atari controllers with your emulator. I got one and absolutely LOVE it!


Now that's an idea to bear in mind...i'll certainally consider that for sure.It's one way of moving forward just a tad,without actually going as far as buying a complete set-up.Not a bad idea,until i decide either way for sure :) .

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