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Qb cartridge game?

Jacob Rose

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I still wish Andrew had told us why.



a) He's cornering the market on Qb, aiming to make a fortune; or

b) It's a conspiracy, and there's a deep hidden agenda yet to surface; or

c) He wants, predictably, to remain completely unpredictable; or

d) He felt pressured into doing it because of vague notions of camaraderie and responsibility to the community; or

e) "It's time", Qb wasn't selling and it gets some extra status by being unavailable; or

f) He wanted to see how the 'market' would react to a non-available product; or

g) Deep down he's just a cynical bastard, and wanted to annoy people; or

h) All of the above; or

i) None of the above


In actual fact I have my own reasons for the withdrawal and without pointing fingers or treading on toes, here's as much as I can say about the real reasons...


a) I wasn't getting any income from it, and I felt that I had sufficiently discharged my financial and obligations to Qb retailers regarding the deals I'd seperately made with them.

b) I needed in a non-conflicting way to show my support for my fellow homebrewers. You may never understand what this means, but to me it's my own way of dealing with 'issues' which I'm not at liberty to discuss. In particular, I wasn't prepared to take part in an argument into which I was being drawn because of my 'position in the community'.

c) I was interested in being the first author to have an "out of print" article. I like to see how the community reacts to different situations.

d) In conjunction with b) and despite pressure to the contrary I absolutely *REFUSE* to take sides in an issue which, though peripherally involved with my interests, does not directly apply to my situation. The withdrawal of Qb from sale was an honourable way for me to satisfy my feelings of morality without hurting any parties involved.

e) None of the above


Actually, here's the REAL reason;


a) Because I could; or

b) It seemed like a good idea at the time; or

c) The voices in my head told me to withdraw Qb, or go out and kill people. I figured I'd give you a few more years yet.

d) I figured I could make a killing on eBay in a few years time selling Qb carts.


Perhaps it was because


a) I've accidentally given away the rights to Qb, so I'm not allowed to sell it anymore.

b) I like the attention that controversy brings me; or

c) Ultimately it's part of my master-plan to attract hoards of nubile groupies.





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If Andrew's plan works, then his Qb could be like the first generation Beanie Baby. :D Unexpected discontinuation causes those already in circulation to go up in value by as much as 100x the original selling price. And potional collector sees the market and starts buying up all other homebrewn on the off chance another author would discontinue as well.


I just hope they don't have such high hope for quick profit. Atari 2600 will never be like Beanie Babies. :D


...now to see if I can get Qb myself...

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Qb is the first homebrew game I ever played -- at the 2001 Philly Classic. I didn't buy it there because, at the time, I was a 5200-only gamer.


It's a radically cool game though. In many ways it was homebrew efforts such as Qb that got me interested in making 5200 games.


I also didn't know it was off the market. Glad I already own it.

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I'm glad I bought a copy.


So... does this mean I get a share of the groupies?


Not that I bought it solely for that reason, mind you.


Although I have to confess whenever I buy a game, I do consider the "babe magnet" potential.


I'm still waiting for these titles to pay off:


Midnight Magic

Encounter at L-5

Fast Eddie

Moon Patrol (don't ask)

Stronghold (don't ask)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I still have my beautiful hand made wooden box edition with the original errored rom and the (finally, THANKS AD! (I'll say it again just in case!)) fixed rom chip. and the manual finally arrived as well many months ago much to my great happiness. It is truly a great shame that no one can partake of the QB-ey goodness atm, but I believe that we can safely keep faith in AD that he will not let us down. He has proven himself to me.

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