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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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Uhm, why do you attack me now? Actually I was trying to stop any prejudices against you now. :?


BTW: It's the first (and hopefully the last) time I am doing this, but Rocko is there for IMO very good reasons.

You take " :thumbsdown: " too seriously. Just giving you some grief, since I've apparently gotten my fair share from you in here lately. :)


As I told Ze_ro, I've been very busy, and I actually came in and read all 16 pages (a good example of why every little score change shouldn't be posted) after I saw your siganture, just to find out what happened to Rocko. :o An amusing situation, but I thought it was weird how you typically refer to trolls as "it" and suggest everyone ignore them, but you patronize him by giving him space in your signature. :ponder:


And I have actually played two events, at work, during lunch. They were a dismal 1:00.00+ on the downhill and about 20K on the hacky sack. Playing on the Emus definitely has advantages and disadvantages. More tomorrow and Sunday, if not for anyone but Team Japan...


ò¿ó     smile_to_atarilympics.gif

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So and some more scores & medals for Xype. :D





100m Dash - 10.02 (1067)

High Jump - 2.2 (1025)

1500m Dash - 3:38.4 (1019)


Track & Field

Javelin - 97.73

Hurdles - 10.38


Some can maybe delete later, when some other from our Team need events. But I post them better, that I not forget them or its too late. ;)






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Now, if you were to take away the one professional gamer who has an incredible amount of world records from this contest, then I'd be OK with your system.

IMO we should change the whole system due to Todd participating. Next time, give him a special handicap if you think it is necessary.


BTW: There are some really great scores from you, do you think you may be able to beat Todd in some events?


And, if you took away the pro, then (unless Jeffy pulls a fast one on all of us) there would probably be only one team at the top, which would be USA.

I take this as a challenge Team XYPE will respond too. :)

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The best I can do is tie Todd because I am pretty much near the max on the speed bar for most of the events.


Track and Field games are the one genre I specialize in. I'd gladly challenge Todd head to head on Virtual Athlete 2k if he were to attend the next PhillyClassic.

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You take " :thumbsdown: " too seriously. Just giving you some grief, since I've apparently gotten my fair share from you in here lately. :)

You just managed to :? me again. :)


Where? :ponder:


An amusing situation, but I thought it was weird how you typically refer to trolls as "it" and suggest everyone ignore them, but you patronize him by giving him space in your signature. :ponder:

I don't think it is amusing at all. I love a hard but fair competition, but people like him (it) destroy the trust. They start other people doubting anybodies scores now. This has already started, I got several mails from different people if I could verify some scores in this event.


So, I can ignore the usual trolls, but not that type of harmful trolling which has to be stopped as fast as possible. The sig stays!

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I was hoping that it would be something like that, gold should be worth more, IMO. It gives you a more incentive to get gold, then the "Ah well, I got silver or bronze, and its worth the same so that's fine" deal.

Well, if nothing else, getting gold at least gives you some rest, knowing that three people have to beat your score before you're off the list... as opposed to the guy with bronze who is kicked out after only one higher score.


What are other people's feelings about this? Should a simple medal count be used to determine the winner, or a weighted count? If there are enough people that prefer a weighted count, I might be convinced to accept it. I hope your opinions are determined more as to which way is more fair and not as to which way will most benefit your team... :ponder:


I got several mails from different people if I could verify some scores in this event.

Oh? If you indeed manage to determine that any of them ARE fake, I hope you'll let me know. There are a lot of amazing scores in the lists, but I haven't seen anything that looks particularly impossible...



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Personally, I think you guys have taken this waaaay too seriously. You guys want to single out Todd, saying if it wasn't for him you guys would be in 1st. That's like saying that if we're playing basketball, that Michael Jordan can't play because he can kick all of your asses. Anyone can play in this, we all volunteered to play this. Just relax, enjoy the games, and may the best team win.

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Oh? If you indeed manage to determine that any of them ARE fake, I hope you'll let me know. There are a lot of amazing scores in the lists, but I haven't seen anything that looks particularly impossible...

No, I have no real indications that some scores are faked.


But the fact, that people now start to doubt other peoples scores, IMO shows how destructive people like Rocko are for the trust in this (and other) competitions. :sad:


E.g. look at the real Olympics athletics. I don't trust any winner from Greece, USA, Russia, China etc. anymore. Those countries have a really negative doping record. But I am sure some of the winners have done nothing wrong, still they have to suffer due to those who tried to betray everybody.


And way to many still get away with it. Or does anybody really believe the actual world record for 100m women dash (from 1988!) was achived without massive help of doping? I don't!

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I understand what you're saying, but I hope you will allow me to use my own analogy.


Barry Bonds doesn't play in an amateur softball tournament.


Marion Jones doesn't show up at a high school track meet.


Michael Jordan isn't in your 3 on 3 tournaments.


And Thomas, who whether you agree or disagree, thinks before he posts, wrote: "IMO we should change the whole system due to Todd participating."


Contrast that with the majority of us who aren't as well as are constrained by the time limits due to our schedules.


I am against a weighted medal score because it wasn't in the rules in the first place and, it gives the rest of us with limited time a chance to be competitive.


It could all be moot if Jeffy pulls a last minute post.

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I am against a weighted medal score because it wasn't in the rules in the first place...

That's probably the best argument.


I didn't post me list to cause some controversity, just to encourage any team a bit more. Now you can try to win by the number of medals and try to do the same with the score. And in the end, everybody can do his own private rating anyway. :)


It could all be moot if Jeffy pulls a last minute post.

True, but he told us he would not do so, so why should we still bitching about him now?

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Only one new score to submit for me: 10,550 in surfing... damn, only 10 points away from catching keilbaca! I've been trying to get a perfect skateboarding score too, but for some reason, I've completely lost my sense of timing in that game... I have no problem finishing my handplants, but I can't seem to start them consistently! You're supposed to just hold the button as you're approaching the lip, but I still can't seem to get it all the time... I'll get 10 in a row, and then miss 10 in a row completely... it's really frustrating me :x



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@ Ze_ro,

I have count 27 medals for Team Xype, but in our list are only 25.  :ponder:  

Or count I something wrong? :?

Well, I just counted now and got 26:


California Games: 1,1,2 = 4

Summer Games: 3,1,2 = 6

Winter Games: 5,0,1 = 6

Decathlon: 0,1,5 = 6

Track & Field: 3,1,0 = 4


4+6+6+6+4 = 26


In case I did screw that up, keep in mind that after any major update, I generally have to recount all the medals anyways, so it'll definitely be recounted (at least) 4 or 5 times before everythings over.



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Well, I just counted now and got 26:


Summer Games: 3,1,2 = 6




I count by Summer Games 7

Hurdles - Gold

Swimming - Gold

Skeet Shooting - Gold

100-Yard Dash - Silver

Swimming Relay - Bronze

Gymnastics - Gold

Rowing - Bronze

4-1-2 = 7


I count 4 Gold here. :ponder:

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here are my final updates as I will be away. Thanks for the competition and all the work Ze_ro it was fantastic


Biathlon 1:05.2

Decathalon High Jump 2.2 (please use this as Xypes score as I need to get my 3 events in still and we all tied at 2.2)

Track and Feild Hurdles 11.41

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