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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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Right. There might be some ways the emulator authors could help help here, e.g. by storing some additional informations (game was paused, average framerate etc.) and a checksum into the screenshot.

Actually, earlier in the competition, I got in touch with Stephen Anthony, who works on Stella and we talked a bit about this too. He came up with the idea of actually embedding a save state within a PNG, so that you could actually run the game from the point the screenshot was taken at. I'm not sure if he actually plans to implement this or not, since it seems like a rather unimportant feature outside of these little contests.


Embedding normal numbers and stuff isn't overly secure, since there are plenty of programs out there that can change this information.



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Embedding normal numbers and stuff isn't overly secure, since there are plenty of programs out there that can change this information.

True, but at least to would be able to get more stupid people like Rocko.


You will never get the clever ones anyway.

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Here is the problem I have. Unfortenetly the emulator for decathlon goes extremley faster than just using your Atari 2600. The last four scores that I put up there were all emulator. The scores before this were all Atari 2600. With the Atari 2600 I spent hours upon hours using accuball track ball just to improve a little bit. With the emulator I barely spent any time at all getting the scores I put up there. As you can see they are a lot better than my console scores. I also used the current version of z26. Whenever we do these games again, I definetly agree that there should be 2 different events one for emulators and the other for the Atari 2600. The emulator gives people way too much of an advantage to those who just want to keep it old school.

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And it's a mystery to me how a windowed screen runs slower than a full screen..

:idea: That's just natural, because a windowed screen has to be mapped into the normal Windows desktop. And a full screen usually has only a resolution of about 320x200, which would look too tiny in a windows screen of e.g. 1024x768. Therefore it gets zoomed, which costs additional resources. And often you cannot use hardware acceleration in windowed mode.

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Foot bag, this is how i did it. From serve, kick, knee stall, foot stall. from there, back up, knee stall, foot stall. Repeat until maxed.



Exactly how I did it - I think I screwed up twice at around 90,000 and had to start again, but I did it eventually.


What, No one wants Swimming Tips?   :lolblue: :lolblue:  :lolblue:  

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

I've got one. Have a good, clear television. Both swimming events essentially came down to two things... pressing right as soon after "Ready" as possible without faulting and watching that tiny hand every time it touched the water. :roll:


My small television isn't that clear, so I was about to go blind on the Swimming events, then you came in and pushed the time down very late in the evening. After my last post for the Relay, I couldn't see straight. :sleep:


ò¿ó smile_to_atari.gif


Agreed - I found 4 things that pushed me back into contention last night:


1. Get the start down - that can cost you 0.2

2. Forget the hand, there is a 'sound' you can listen for when to hit the button - the first 2 strokes are hand based, then its sound based for me

3. its 12 strokes up and 14 1/2 strokes back when swimming perfectly

4. You can start your returns when you see the edge of the pool appear (bottom right on first leg and upper left on return)


Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh :D


I couldn't believe it when I came home last night and saw Goochman's post of 1:09.9 - I sat down to work on it and was completely rubbish for the first couple of goes until I gradually got 'in the zone'. I slowly knocked the time down by a tenth at a time and almost quit when I got 1:09.7 - then I decided to have one more game and got the 1:09.6 (which is just as well, because JediJeff got the 1:09.7 after I'd stopped.

It's a completely mesmerising game - all about timing.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. ;)

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The emulator gives people way too much of an advantage to those who just want to keep it old school.

Maybe for you. :)


I couldn't get even near to my old decathlons scores. About 850 points was the limit for me.


I suppose some people are just better when using the keyboard and some can do better with some kind of joystick.

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I used the Whoosh Stelladaptor with z26 Whoosh emu to play my Whoosh games. So, I used a Whoosh real 2600 joystick which I Whoosh dont think gave me any real Whoosh advantage. My PC is Whoosh fast enough to play Whoosh full speed window or not.


Funny thing about all this emu talk a few days back is that I really believed I couldnt get as good a swimming score as others on the real deal since no matter what I did I could not break 23.2 nor 1:10.7 - I repeatly got those exact times over and over again. I finally found where I was messing up and got into a medal for the Whoose swmming sports


Thats all Whoose from here :D

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@ Zero: I only see one mistake, though it doesn't change the medal standings:


In Track n Field, Javelin: I submitted the 94m32, I think it was, screenshot of my score, but before that I had you add Dan's score of 93m and something.


So, that score should have my name there, but it's no big deal.


Congrats everybody on a weel played olympics! 8)

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It's also a matter of things you can do with a keyboard versus a joystick. Just today, when the discussions about rowing started, I fired up Stella and gave it a try. You can hold the left direction down and then just half stroke with the right direction and get those times. Trying holding left and alternating right with a joystick. :o


ò¿ó   smile_to_atari.gif

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It's also a matter of things you can do with a keyboard versus a joystick. Just today, when the discussions about rowing started, I fired up Stella and gave it a try. You can hold the left direction down and then just half stroke with the right direction and get those times. Trying holding left and alternating right with a joystick. :o

Doesn't work with z26 (default settings).

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Yeah it's all funny. I have play first with Stella. Decathlon Button smashing has work great and I has good speed always (not enough for medals, but good enough for me).

Then I have try Track & Field with Stella and there I get no Speed. Wonder me, because I think its near the same with button smashing.


So I have first think I can't get medals by Track & Field. But then I have try Z26, and there Track & Field has work great and Decathlon was harder. I have later try it with mouse on Z26 and this was better, like playing on Stella. :roll:


Too different was BMX Racing. By Stella on the right side is something missing. You can't see the complete screen. So I have first miss always some Blue Flags and sometimes crashed without knowing why. As I try it on Z26 I have see, why I always crashed at the right side by some screens. There I see trees, stones and everything else. And on Z26 it was no big problem to get all Blue Flags, because you can see all.


Rowing was much harder on Z26, because you can't hold left here. ;)


So some games work better on Stella and some better on Z26.


For most games I have used Stella, only for BMX and Track & Field I have used Z26.

For some games I used Joypad and with most games I used Keyboard. Smashing Buttons Games work better for me with Keyboard. Games where I must control the character its easier for me with Joypad.

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By the way, I added in the medal icons so that you guys can see who actually got what rather than guessing at the method behind my madness :P Again, if you notice any mistakes I may have made, please bring them to my attention.


I've also added in actual Olympic records for the events in Decathlon and Track & Field... it's kind of interesting to see how the video games compare to the actual records. Naturally, Todd broke all but one of the records in Decathlon (the remaining record being the 1500m), but Decathlon's scoring actually seems to stack up fairly well to reality, whereas almost everyone managed to shatter the world records playing Track & Field :roll:


I haven't been able to find a reliable source for winter olympic records to include for Winter Games, and Epyx seems to have an unfortunate tendancy to use imperial units rather than metric (ie, 100 yard dash rather than 100 meters), so even if I can find real records, they almost certainly won't compare properly unless I use some math on them :(


If I can find a convenient source, I might try to include the gold medal scores from Athens just for the hell of it. The records that I already put up are from the Athens 2004 website, and I'm guessing that they were all typed in before this years olympics, so some might already be out of date.



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"EPYX scoring" (5,3,2) again...


Nothing changes, though IMO the ranking becomes a bit more clear (and fair). :)

I've added that into the main standings. I'm relieved to see that the standings are the same by both judging schemes :)



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You can't compare the javelin results, because some years ago (after Decathlon and T&F) they changed the javelin so that it wouldn't fly that far anymore. The old record was 104.80m (1984, GDR) and it was getting to dangerous to continue with that.


BTW: Why doesn't the 5th ghost get a gold medal in skeet shooting? ;)

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I don't know what this award would be called but I think Tin should get one for Track and Field. His time for the 110 Meter Hurdles (10.38) is faster than his time for the 100 Meter Dash (10.80). :?  :roll:  :lolblue:  




hello jedijeff

thanks for the thought of the award

i worked on improving the hurdles more because

i saw that keilbaca had already won the gold on the 100 meter dash

i didnt want to take that away from him.

being a single mother my time is limited

so i worked on what i knew i could do better on


(yes single mother)



:lol: :P

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Only one medal per team per event... and sku_u's already in there, so to make counting easier I only gave one of them an icon.

But then you missed e.g. MattyXB's 1st places in Hot Dog and Skeet Shooting. ;)

Thats not the only games, which I have done.

And forget not some scores, which we have not posted or deleted later:

Decathlon High Jump 2.2m Thomas & I too 3. place &

Track & Field High Jump 2.42m 1 place have I done too, but not posted, because Thomas has done it already. ;)

But I think other Teams have too more medals then. :)

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Well, it was own fault for not keeping up as the two weeks went by, and then trying to read everything in one day, but the way the medals were handed out was "news to me". If I had know that ties would involve the reduction of other medals (i.e. two tied golds and one bronze, or gold, two tied silvers and no bronze), I would have bumped some of my team mates scores. Unfortunately, I thought that multiple same-medals could be handed out in each event (i.e. two golds, two silvers, one bronze, etc.).

Like I said, my fault for not reading up, nor understanding true olympic rules. :( Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. :-D


ò¿ó   smiling_to_atariage.gif

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Well, it looks as if all the mistakes have hopefully been found, so I can now declare the standings finalized. Congratulations to Team Activision for winning the Atarilympics! Congratulations also go to all the other teams for providing some excellent competition, and pushing these events to the max... there are some truly impressive scores in the list! I hope you all had lots of fun... now you can put those Decathlon cartridges away for another two years ;)


Just for the hell of it, here are some awards for those of you who managed some amazing feats:

  • for scoring an amazing 10 gold medals!

[*]Iron Man Award: MattyXB for having entered the most events (19 events total, 11 of which he won a medal in)

[*]High Score Hero Award: jedijeff for collecting an outstanding 15 medals (9 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze)!

[*]California Games Master: keilbaca for winning three gold medals and a silver in California Games!

[*]Summer Games Master: Malc74 for winning three gold medals in Summer Games!

[*]Winter Games Master: jedijeff for winning 4 gold medals, 1 silver and 2 bronze in Winter Games!

[*]Decathlon Master: ToddRogers for winning all 9 gold medals in the Decathlon! Numan also deserves recognition for winning all 9 silver medals in the Decathlon too!

[*]Track & Field Master: Malc74 for winning 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze in Track & Field!

And here are the individual player standings that I promised. Note that the "events entered" takes into account no more than one entry per team per event, so if it seems like you're missing some numbers here, it's likely because you were "bumped" by a teammate.


jedijeff 9 3 3 15 15 60
Malc74 8 3 1 16 12 51
MattyXB 6 0 5 19 11 40
ToddRogers 10 0 0 10 10 50
Numan 1 9 0 10 10 32
keilbaca 4 3 1 8 8 31
homerwannabee 0 0 7 12 7 14
Thomas Jentzsch 6 0 0 6 6 30
JeffyArensmeyer 4 0 2 9 6 24
the 5th ghost 3 0 1 10 4 17
Goochman 3 0 1 5 4 17
tin 2 0 2 6 4 14
sku_u 1 1 2 12 4 12
dykesr 3 0 0 4 3 15
Cybergoth 1 1 1 4 3 10
Ze_ro 1 0 2 13 3 9
KaeruYojimbo 1 0 1 5 2 7
Comptech25 0 0 2 4 2 4
Dan Iacovelli 1 0 0 9 1 5
Adonick 1 0 0 5 1 5
LarcenTyler 1 0 0 4 1 5
UK WOMBLE 1 0 0 4 1 5
Stingray 0 1 0 4 1 3
Tsukasa 0 0 1 7 1 2
iguana 0 0 1 4 1 2
Gateway 0 0 0 12 0 0
NintendoDieScreaming 0 0 0 6 0 0
Kepone 0 0 0 5 0 0
128bytes 0 0 0 4 0 0
joshua 0 0 0 4 0 0
khryssun 0 0 0 4 0 0
maibock 0 0 0 2 0 0
ARK1 0 0 0 1 0 0
taternuts53 0 0 0 1 0 0
vb_master 0 0 0 1 0 0
Atari-Jess 0 0 0 0 0 0
davepesc 0 0 0 0 0 0
liquid_sky 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mr.FoodMonster 0 0 0 0 0 0
pmpddytim 0 0 0 0 0 0



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