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The StellaX Emulator


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Hi all.

Why is it that the StellaX Emulator doesn't seem to recognise some of the rarer Atari titles ?(hope your not going to ask me for an example,as i can't remember any off of the top of my head).Does this particular Emulator only work with the more common stuff,or am i doing something wrong somewhere ?.I do realise that i could probably have two different locations for my roms,and rename the rarer .Bin files to the common titles in order to fool the Emulator into fireing it up.I would imagine that this would work,but even if it does,it's a lot of farting about.

Mess seems to fire up whatever you care to chuck at it,but i'm not so keen on this Emulator......it's okay,but not quite as good as the StellaX (this is only a personal opinion though).

Can anyone out there throw any light on this subject of the StellaX,or even suggest another Emulator that might fill my needs ?

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With a few exceptions, the stella.pro file does not contain MD5 hashes (actually listings that don't include the hashes) for roms that are not recognized by the "good" tools utility. If the file does not contain a listing that includes the hash result for a game in question, it should still show up in the StellaX list but appear as the rom name. Example redblue.bin or rush hour.bin


I've looked and there does not seem a stella.pro file more up to date than the one included in the July 17, 2004 Stella release. I updated mine manually to include looping. Eventually I may fill most (or some) of the missing in :?:


Here's the entry I made for looping, append using wordpad to the end of your stella.pro file: [/size]


"Cartridge.MD5" "5babe0cad3ec99d76b0aa1d36a695d2f"

"Cartridge.Name" "Looping (unreleased) (Coleco)"

"Cartridge.Manufacturer" "Coleco"

"Cartridge.Rarity" "Unreleased"

"Display.Height" "212"

"Display.YStart" "27"



Anyone have others they would like to submit:?: :)

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With a few exceptions, the stella.pro file does not contain MD5 hashes (actually listings that don't include the hashes) for roms that are not recognized by the "good" tools utility. If the file does not contain a listing that includes the hash result for a game in question, it should still show up in the StellaX list but appear as the rom name. Example redblue.bin or rush hour.bin


I've looked and there does not seem a stella.pro file  more up to date than the one included in the July 17, 2004 Stella release.  I updated mine manually to include looping. Eventually I may fill most (or some) of the missing in :?:  


Here's the entry I made for looping, append using wordpad to the end of your stella.pro file: [/size]


"Cartridge.MD5" "5babe0cad3ec99d76b0aa1d36a695d2f"

"Cartridge.Name" "Looping (unreleased) (Coleco)"

"Cartridge.Manufacturer" "Coleco"

"Cartridge.Rarity" "Unreleased"

"Display.Height" "212"

"Display.YStart" "27"



Anyone have others they would like to submit:?:  :)


A maintenance release of Stella (version 1.4.1) is due out in a few days. It has support for all 2687 ROMs in the Good2600 1.0 ROMset, plus 3 extra UA Limited ROMs, for a total of 2690 ROMs.



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