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After the Olympics -- AtariLeague


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Seeing the popularity of the Atarilympics got me thinking about an idea I had a while back for an ongoing, team-based league. The league would consist of teams of five. Every week, five games would be chosen at random and each player on each team would play one of the games. Teams would be paired off and the player who scores higher at his or her game would earn a point for their team. The team with the most points wins the match.


I don't want to start he league right away and take away from the Atarilympics, but I would like to guage any interest in doing something like this.


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It's an interesting proposition, but I can see problems because everyone will be required to play every single week. Just take a look at the HSC and you'll see that most people take weeks off, lose interest, miss the start and come in later, etc.


It'll require dedication from a large number of players to be a success - looking back at the earlier weeks of the HSC (or at the signup thread) there were a lot of people who said "Yeah! What a great idea! I'll join!" and haven't been heard from more than once or twice (if at all) since.


You could, I suppose, have some kind of 'substitutes bench' with reserve players who could be called upon by any team member who couldn't play that week, but that makes things even more complicated, especially if you run out of reserves - then you're faced with cancelling matches or awarding walkover points, which kind of negates the purpose of the whole league.


Damn, I'm sounding like a right old grumpy git but I think a lot of people will prefer the 'informality' of the HSC compared to the demands of a permanent league.

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What I thought would be cool to have is an atari racilympics. we could do something like this around either the Datona 500 or The Indy 500. And instead of having countries we represent, we would represent race teams. Like team Earnhart Jr, or team Gordon. This would also work because a lot of the race games like dragster, grand prix, are timed as well. Just my two cents. :)

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?



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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




Pcaewin2.6 has net support via kaillera(,but it is hard to find since the guy who id the pcae stopped doing it. also it's very hard to connect to server.

Itried a couple times and it crashed.

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Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




No, but it would be HELLA COO' if there was.


Im all for the AtariLeauge idea. I'm loving the Atarilympics.


There was one which advertised as such, but after a good effort by myself and BeerGnome, we were never able to connect and play. In fact as we were organising the event, other gamers suggested that they also had tried to no avail. :ponder:

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




Pcaewin2.6 has net support via kaillera(,but it is hard to find since the guy who id the pcae stopped doing it. also it's very hard to connect to server.

Itried a couple times and it crashed.


Yeah PCAEWin was the one we tried. It supported other emulators as well which I believed worked, but no the VCS :|

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




Pcaewin2.6 has net support via kaillera(,but it is hard to find since the guy who id the pcae stopped doing it. also it's very hard to connect to server.

Itried a couple times and it crashed.


Yeah PCAEWin was the one we tried. It supported other emulators as well which I believed worked, but no the VCS :|


that was you maibok that we tried do network play on it thats was awhile back (I barely remember it).

yeah too bad it didn't work because it would be cool,now John D. who made Pcae is gone and thre are no more updates to it.

(even though classicgaming.com has the older version of pcaewin but not the current one.

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




Pcaewin2.6 has net support via kaillera(,but it is hard to find since the guy who id the pcae stopped doing it. also it's very hard to connect to server.

Itried a couple times and it crashed.


Yeah PCAEWin was the one we tried. It supported other emulators as well which I believed worked, but no the VCS :|


that was you maibok that we tried do network play on it thats was awhile back (I barely remember it).

yeah too bad it didn't work because it would be cool,now John D. who made Pcae is gone and thre are no more updates to it.

(even though classicgaming.com has the older version of pcaewin but not the current one.


Has the current version been tried yet?


I have no clue which version we tried before, but that must have been at least a year ago..

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




The only really fair way to do anything like that would be to somehow implement 10 Yard Fight-style scoring.

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One idea I've been toying with was to have special events based around other real-life sporting events... like when the Superbowl came around, have a big tournament where people play Super Football against each other... or Activision's Ice Hockey during the Stanley Cup playoffs and other such stuff. Since we're all over the globe though, this probably wouldn't work very well. Are there any 2600 emulators that support network play?




Pcaewin2.6 has net support via kaillera(,but it is hard to find since the guy who id the pcae stopped doing it. also it's very hard to connect to server.

Itried a couple times and it crashed.


Yeah PCAEWin was the one we tried. It supported other emulators as well which I believed worked, but no the VCS :|


that was you maibok that we tried do network play on it thats was awhile back (I barely remember it).

yeah too bad it didn't work because it would be cool,now John D. who made Pcae is gone and thre are no more updates to it.

(even though classicgaming.com has the older version of pcaewin but not the current one.


Has the current version been tried yet?


I have no clue which version we tried before, but that must have been at least a year ago..


the last version of pcaewin is 2.6 and thats what I have it came out about 3 years ago (the date on it is 2001)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I guess I'm game for this. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out... How are the teams going to be worked out though? Are we just going to be assigned randomly or what? Also, you mention that teams will be "paired off" each week... does this mean that if I'm competing on one game, then I only have to beat the score of whoever is on the opposing team in that game? Or will the scores of all the teams be factored in somehow?



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