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After the Olympics -- AtariLeague


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Alright, I guess I'm game for this. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out... How are the teams going to be worked out though? Are we just going to be assigned randomly or what? Also, you mention that teams will be "paired off" each week... does this mean that if I'm competing on one game, then I only have to beat the score of whoever is on the opposing team in that game? Or will the scores of all the teams be factored in somehow?



Teams - I'm still giving people a chance to join up so I'll know how many teams there can be. After that I was thinking of either doing something like the Atarilympics, where a few people become team captains and then recruit other players or possibly grouping people geographically.


Scoring - You will only have to beat one other score each week. Of course, there's a certain amount of pride in having the top score overall and I will be keeping a sort of "Hall of Records" of all the best scores.

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Now that I've said all that, here's how we'll do teams. At the end of this post is a link to the AtariLeague forum where you can join a team and where score posting will eventually take place. Just add a post saying which team you wish to join.



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