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should I collect or sell?

kid vid

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Collecting video games is a great hobby.

I love it.

I used to collect baseball cards, and it was fun, but never very rewarding.

I always loved video games and when I decided to start collecting, it became an instant addiction.

My wife ever joins me on Saturday mornings to scour the tag sales.

The rewarding part is getting to play the games. Baseball cards go in a plastic sleeve and you can simply look at them.

Getting a rare cartridge and then actually getting to play the old games is a real treat. Plus friends and my kids friends LOVE my basement.

I have my very own arcade.


It's really up to you of course. If you are looking for a fun hobby though, I love video games.

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Thanks for the welcome.

I know the kids say keep the atari... but they don't want to play it I think they are more attached for sentimental reasons.

I know I have alot of games that collectors want. According to some charts I have seen.


Example: Berenstein bears and tapes alot of games that rate 10 , 9 and 8.


I think if the kids saw $$ they would not be so attached.

If they are not so interested in collecting I would rather get rid of them so real collectors could enjoy them. That is why I joined this forum to get some kind of advice. I appreciate all you can give.

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It doesn't sound like you are really interested in collecting games so I would say sell. Just make sure you have a good idea of their value. I'm sure the pm's will be making their way to your mailbox any time now with people wondering what games you have and looking for a bargain. However, there are plenty of people who can tell you a fair price for rare games if you want to sell them here or there is always ebay.

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Sounds like you found the rarity guide so now you know what you have.


Maybe sell the rare stuff and keep the system and more common games for your kids since they seem to have some interest in it. When dealing with Atari the general rule seems to be that the rarer it is, the less fun it is. There are some exceptions, but for the most part you'll get the best gameplay out of the common titles. Your kids may want their Atari later on and kick themselves for letting all of it go.

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Thanks for the welcome.  

I know the kids say keep the atari... but they don't want to play it I think they are more attached for sentimental reasons.  

I know I have alot of games that collectors want. According to some charts I have seen.


Example: Berenstein bears and tapes alot of games that rate 10 , 9 and 8.


I think if the kids saw $$ they would not be so attached.  

If they are not so interested in collecting I would rather get rid of them so real collectors could enjoy them. That is why I joined this forum to get some kind of advice. I appreciate all you can give.


Unless your kids are hard up for cash, that's an unlikely prospect. Even games like the above mentioned Berenstain Bears will not fetch much over $100.00 and that's only if it's 100% complete in the box.


Unless you have a massive collection, it's unlikely that you'd end up with much more than a couple of hundred for the entire lot.


As with any collectables, condition effects value as does rarity. Complete near mint games are always more desireable than loose games unless you have one of the rarity 10 carts listed in the rarity guide. If you have games that carry a rarity of 1-4, the most you'll get for each is $1.00. Maybe as high as $4-5 if they still have the box, instructions and everything is in excellent cosmetic condition. Some titles like ET, Pacman and Combat are so common that you wouldn't be able to give them away to a collector.


Games that have a rarity of 5-8 vary greatly in price. Some will only fetch around $5 a title while others will go as high as $80-90. More for complete games.


Rarity 9 and 10 carts can fetch nice prices depending on the title and completeness.


Systems and controllers are a dime a dozen and will not sell for more than $10-20 on a good day as a set.


My advise to you is to watch Atari items on Ebay for a while and see how much similar items to what you have sell for before determining whether or not your collection is worth trying to sell. It's probably likely that the monetary value will not end up equalling the sentimental value to your kids.

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They (or you) may be interested in collecting some day. If they aren't taking up too much space or annoying you, hang onto 'em.


I kept my games, even though I didn't play them for probably 14 years or so. However, I dug them out again not too long ago, and I'm glad I kept them, since I'm enjoying playing them again. I would have regretted selling them off. Even the ones I don't really like, for some odd reason.


And I always have the option of selling them off later anyway, if I need to. I have a couple of games that are worth a pizza, at least. :)

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Thank YOU all for your advice. Now that the kids are getting older.. it seems that sorting all the accumulated treasures is a priority.

I am going to let them pick out the important games to them. Without sharing which are the 10 s . ;)

That way they can choose to keep the ones they really care about.

If any rare ones are in the unwanted pile. I will post them here and let you all know.

SAD that about 4 years ago.. I threw ALL the boxes away :(

4 large garbage bags of brand new boxes..

Good news I kept all the manuals and posters etc...

I am learning, this is why I decided to get some advice before tossing things. ;)

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if your a collector keep em no matter what.


but for a true gamer. if you enjoy the games keep em and playem till your either your heart is content or you have blisters from the joystick button.


if you are tired of them and dont play them sell them. you never know ... you might inspire a new people toget into video game playing. ( and make new friends) . games are meant to be shared.

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SAD that  about 4 years ago.. I threw ALL the boxes away  :(  

4 large garbage bags of brand new boxes..  

Good news I kept all the manuals and posters etc...

I am learning, this is why I decided to get some advice before tossing things. ;)


OH, THE HORRORS OF WAR! My original Atari collection of about 40 games or so was sold to my brother's friend. His house went up in smoke along with the games, so my originals are long lost gone. But I cry every time I hear about someone throwing something away, especially recently. I can understand when first acquiring things, but tossing something 4 years ago can definitely make a person cry.


I'd like to know what super rare games are in the collection though. I agree if they are not taking up too much room, then keep them. But I wouldn't mind seeing them on the market. Even if I don't personally get any games, at least someone on here would most likely, which means less competition for me in the future. :)



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