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H.E.R.O. question

Red 5

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I need to step away from my 2600 collecting for a while and get back to my poor neglected 5200.


My question is, is the 5200 version of H.E.R.O. the same as the 2600 version? (Minus the better / updated graphics)


I love H.E.R.O. and was kind of hoping the 5200 version would mix up the mazes a bit. I am guessing it's the same, but a guy can dream...

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I need to step away from my 2600 collecting for a while and get back to my poor neglected 5200.


My question is, is the 5200 version of H.E.R.O. the same as the 2600 version?  (Minus the better / updated graphics)


I love H.E.R.O. and was kind of hoping the 5200 version would mix up the mazes a bit.  I am guessing it's the same, but a guy can dream...


It's the same mazes unfortunately, but I actually like the game alot better on the 5200 because of the analog controllers. I have a hard time with HERO on the 2600 because the guy is hard to control in the air with the digital controllers.

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I was a COBOL programmer for years, I know BASIC and have played around with some C etc.


I understand that programming for the 2600 is an absolute nightmare, but how hard would it be to hack HERO and change the mazes around?


I have Adventure Plus and I love it. I would consider it to be a worthy sequel to Adventure. Maybe the same basic concept could be used for HERO ?


I am probably not the best person to do this as I have a 1 year old and while I have programming experience, have never programmed for the atari. A one year old + no atari programming experience = a 2045 release date. Perhaps if there was enough interest, someone might do it?

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Totally forgot about the Activision weasels.


Maybe if everyone stopped buying the damn Activision Anthology,

Activision Classics, etc for every system known to man... ohh... who am I kidding.


Anyway, that is a very good point.


Pipedream officially over. :sad:

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