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Cover Artist for Sirius & 20th Century Fox


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Kinda interesting possible find. I am a banker in Oregon. I am working on a deal for a business customer. Come to find that the spouse of the owner was once an artist for 20th Century Fox and Sirius back in the Atari era. Apparently she did some cover art and still has some of the original artwork and such for some games. Still need to learn which ones. Anyhow, I made the husband aware that I would be interested in anything she'd like to get rid of. Hope something comes of this....

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Forgot to mention that her husband did recall at least one of her works. It is Type Attack which was done for the Apple II. I looked at it....not real impressive, but would be cool to have the original art (if at possible) anyhow. Hopefully she did Worm War I or Fast Eddie or something for the Atari....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally talked to the artist. Like I said she did art work for Sirius, primarily for the Apple division. However in talking to her again I learned that she did the cover art for Fast Eddie. She thinks that's the only Atari game she did. She told me she was paid $3,000 for that job and was given only 36 hours to do the work. This was her highest paid art job for Sirius. Most of the other jobs averaged about $500. Fast Eddie was also the last game she worked on as Sirius folded not long after.


The coolest thing is that she gave me several advertising flyers for all the games for the Apple that she did. She signed them for me as well. She also told me that she thinks she has the original artwork still for Fast Eddie and that she'll try to get that for me.


The original advertising flyers that she gave me for the Apple II are Type Attack, Computer Foosball, Fly Wars, Snake Byte, Borg, and Flip Out. She apparently did a little work for Avalon Hill as well. The flyers she gave me were for Ram! and Free Trader.


In case you are wondering why she is so nice to me, I am a banker and working on a loan for her and her husband.

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