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Atari 2600 Label and Box Variation List


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As many of you know, or possibly may not know, for years there has been an Atari 2600 label variation list. This was called VGR and was originally created by Craig Pell. I recently acquired it again and saw it was sort of updated by John Earney. I was one of the original contributors to this list, so some of the information listed was from my input during the 1990s.


I have made it my duty to update it. I don't really agree with some of his rarities, but that's another story. Since I have a VAST inventory of cartridges, which I'm keeping tabs on, I decided to put it up on my website. I will soon be offering the various labels of the Atari 2600 for sale and/or trade. I'm in the process of taking my inventory, which I know is not complete since all of my carts are not in my house currently. But this is what I will start working with.


I have already made the label list into a nicer format from what you are used to seeing. Though the website decided to eliminate my tabs, so you'll see that it isn't perfect.


But since I'm updating with my inventory, I've already discovered even more label variations. So the list will change sometime over the next 2 weeks hopefully to every variation I can find.


The reason I have put it up on my website is to inform the buyer which version he is purchasing. I have added letters before each label to catalog it and will sell it as so.


For example, Combat has 17 variations listed. You will see a, b, c, etc before each version. On my for sale list, I will list it as follows:


Combat (version a) $

Combat (version c) $

Combat (Version f) $


You get the idea. So though a cartridge may be common, a specific label variation may not, and I have discovered this with Combat. So if you are a die-hard collector and want or "need" all varieties of the games, then I'm doing you a service.


In addition to the labels, the list included boxes and the variations of those. Again, I am adding to this list, which will take a little longer. Most of the additions will come from my own personal collection if I have a different version than the ones listed. Since I have probably about 300 boxed games, I've already discovered some variations. Plus there are many games on the list that don't have a box listing.


My new project that will take place beginning in October after my wedding one month from today, is the addition of all the versions of instructions. I don't know why this was never pursued, but again, it's something that will be fun, and for those collectors out there wanting all versions, this information will be useful.


Ok, I'll conclude this long post with saying that this is not a venture I can handle alone, nor could Craig, John, or the others who have contributed to it. So I will be happy to accept any and all input from my fellow Atari collectors.


One thing of note. I have removed any one of a kind errors from the list. I don't consider these a label variation. For example, if a main or end label was accidently put upside down, or more than one label was glued to the cart, I don't consider this a variation. Logically, you can see the point that these can be manufactured by just reglueing labels that have fallen off upside down. Also, I ask that any submissions be honest. If you can, email me a photo so I can verify that it isn't one of the versions already listed.


Since my website is free, I don't have the space nor the time to put up scans of the carts. Possibly Albert may consider doing that here, but that will be determined by input from all of you.


So click the link below if you wish to see the list. My sale list will be updated soon. Thanks in advance for the help.






PS: if you get pop-up windows due to my free website, use Netscape. Somehow I turned off pop-up windows, though I can't remember how. But maybe someone else can post here how to do it.

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Those label variation lists are insane!I have collected a lot of loose cartridge titles, without worrying about all the little differences.I just don't have the time or money to deal with these lists.

Since I have worked in manufacturing ,I can see how companies get all these 'variations'.I have read blueprints that go from rev. A all the way to rev. S,so it is nothing new.

I will check your website every so often,since it is under construction now.

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Thanks for the reply. Yes, with printing, there is especially variables to contend with. The biggest is printing later usually results in lighter or blurier photos as the ink gets used up. I was just working some more and found even more. The list will be incredible and it's not for the casual collector. :)



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The list is still coming along and I'll inform everyone of when I'm done. Just to let you know. I have found 3 versions of a C1 ET Extra Terrestrial. Though the game is ultra common, the 2 label variations are not. I think I had 22 ETs in my house. 18 were common, and I had 2 of each of the others. I know I have more in storage, possibly another 10-25, though I can't remember.


I think I'm going to modify the numbers of rarity listed on John Earney's version. I'm thinking of just adding my numbers to his, since I believe the numbers he ranks each label are the versions he has come across over the years. I may also put a comment or ? next to label variations I think are "off" in their rarity. But we'll see what happens with that.


I'm also thinking about releasing updates in sections, though I believe once I'm done with the Atari made games, putting the other 3rd party games should go much faster.



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Just shrink the text (a little bit) and change the quality to low and print on both sides. That is what I did when I printed it up many years ago, (1997). I was putting in some of my recently aquired games in it yesterday. My hole reinforcers were coming off the pages.

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Yes, send me photos if possible. I've been discovering more variations. The list I printed was just a cleaned up copy that I found on the net with very few additions. I'm working on the additions now and should be done by the end of the week. If you'd like a copy of the document (I have it in MS Word), then I can email it to you when I'm done. Just send me your email address to pdispenza@verizon.net and I'll be happy to send it to anyone who wants it.


In fact, I may send Albert a copy and see if he'll put it up for download here. I'll email him first and ask. The file is relatively big. I think I it was about 1/2 MB or a little more when I sent it to my buddy to print for me.


The document you see on the website is 68 pages in MS Word. Though with my additions, I expect it to increase to between 72-25 pages. When I add instructions, that'll climb considerably.


I appreciate any other help with this. The list will primarily stick with only US released games except for the few US companies that have a foreign released game such as Action Force or the Playaround game that is super rare.


At the end of the week, I'll update this again saying the list is available.





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Ok, folks. I finished digging through my 1000+ extra carts and have finished the list. I will be updating it and getting it up on the website by the weekend. Anyone who emailed me for a copy, or would like one, will get it probably before I put it up on the website. My cartridge sale list will follow, also up on the website.


There will be a few corrections from the current list that is up on the site. I'm also going to add a little bit more info here and there on the list to clarify a couple of things. The list will be further updated in the next 2 months, when I get to my personal collection and compare what I own vs the list, so even more variations are bound to turn up. Anyone who has added input, I greatly appreciate. You know who you are, though I won't be putting credits up on the list. Thanks!



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As I mentioned, my document is in MS Word and is/will be available to anyone who gives me their email address. I did a nice format with everything lining up with tabs, doing bold, underlining, etc.


With the new added entries, the document should be around 75 pages long, but I won't know until it's done. So contact me if you want a copy and I'll get it to you by the weekend, which will be when I finalize all the added variations.



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IT'S FINISHED!!! At least what I have so far. Any additions from people contacting me will be added soon. If you haven't done so, you may send me your email address and I can send you the nice MS Word file. For some reason my MS Word miraculously vanished my HTML code viewing, so the list on the website looks like shit. Some of the quotes aren't working right. It doesn't like the slanted curly double quotes vs the straight line double quotes.


I'll have to get that fixed. In the meantime, you can visit the website or contact me and get the list. Any additions, again, email me at






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