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Microsoft's SPOT: The Atari Connection


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The article states that this was made around 1984.Just another idea killed by Tramiel;could not get the unit price below $500...

A lot of tech stuff is 25 to 30 years in the making before consumers ever see it.Cool idea though;Atari on the airwaves.

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Check out this article.  Strange wireless cartridged.  Anyone ever seen one of the these before?


YES!!! I have seen one of these before! It turned up in one of the CGE panels a couple of years ago. IIRC, I think the guy said it was being field tested in Indiana and it was capable of >30 kbaud at a time when 2400 baud was "SCREAMIN FAST". Wow.


I hate gaming history. It's so...depressing. This and the color vectrex(which also exists as a prototype), among so many other things.......



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