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Is there any way to upload a ROM thats is not listed?


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cuteycat2 im sorry but it will be removed soon surely because that game is

an Acitvision game and they have requested that all Activision games be

removed from the site. ;)


Don't worry It wasn't your fault as you didn't know but I'll notify the moderators

so that they can remove it! :)


Yet again sorry to upset you! :sad:

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I always find it hilarious how anyone with a feminine avatar is treated with kid gloves on geek forums. I'm sure that even more cutesy emoticons are yet to come.


But, noting that every Activision ROM is absent from this site, why on earth would someone make a big deal out of the Seaquest PAL of all things?

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I always find it hilarious how anyone with a feminine avatar is treated with kid gloves on geek forums. I'm sure that even more cutesy emoticons are yet to come.


Kid Gloves? :? I was just being freindly thats all! :)


But, noting that every Activision ROM is absent from this site, why on earth would someone make a big deal out of the Seaquest PAL of all things?


Well you could say the same for Bridge, Freeway and Fishing Derby

as well but unfortunatly that doesnt change the fact that Activision made it! :sad:


Also the fact that the games are still (After all these years! :) ) being sold

as actual Roms on the anthology! 8)


But yeah I understand that some of these games they should just not bother

with anymore and make them free. (PS No offence to Activision)

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