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JellyBeans Title Screen Contest!


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Hi all!


I would like to invite anyone who is interested to help me come up with a design for the Title Screen for my latest 8-bit game, JellyBeans.


I have been trying to design something using Graph2Font, but I haven't been too happy wth my designs. I know that there is a lot of talent out there, from the G2F examples I have seen. So, if you want to design a screen and send me the G2F files, let me know!!!


The only requirement I have for a screen is that it says "JellyBeans" on it somewhere...


So, what do you win, if I choose your design, you might ask? Well, since I am not selling my game, you win the grand recognition of having designed the Title Screen, and your name in the credits!!! :)



More information on the game here:





Thanks for the help, and I look forward to seeing your screens,


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That game looks pretty awesome!  Too bad I have the approximate artistic skill of the average rock.  Are you SURE you won't selling any copies?  Please???   :)


Thanks! What I mean by saying I won't be selling it is that it will be free, free to download.


However, I am not going to stop anyone if they want to pay me. ;)

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