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"If they made a (name of a game) 2 ... "


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If you could see a sequel to one of your favorite Atari games, what new/added features would it have?


I was playing Space Attack today - here's what I want in a sequel:


A Score (not just win/lose game)

a variation with unlimited enemies

variety of enemies

better ending if you win!! (not just 2 bleeps


:roll: )


BTW, I think the Star Wars hack of this game is really cool!


So, what game needs a sequel.... ?

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I wish there was an Adventure 2 (for the 7800, but from what I have seen, GREAT JOB!)


But, I wish there was an adventure 2 for the 2600, with all new mazes, randomly generated maze, different Items that do different things, like Tower of Doom for the intellivision, just with more playfiend and less invitory. And the same simple graphics like adventure (love the square! LOVE IT NOW!

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Hhhmmmm . . .


Keystone Kapers II (which allegedly exists somewhere).


Mangia II: Chinese Takeout (Cue scene from "Dude, Where's My Car?" . . . NO AND THEN!!!" :) )


And of course


Donkey Kong 3. Hey, they gave us the first two, and 3 would probably be easier on the 2600 than them . . .

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I could make a really bad E.T. joke here, but I'm not going to.


Kaboom! 2 would be cool


yeah, faster bombs :)


...and you could throw 'em back. :D (My revenge for never being very good at Kaboom!)


I'm going to name a few even though the originals are some of my favorites.


Missile Command II with real trackball control (yes, Thomas, I know about your wonderful conversion) and maybe even multiple missile stations (the problem is that later 2600 games were "joystick only" so folks didn't have to purchase alternative controls).


Night Driver II with some more detailed graphics (the game play of the original is fun so don't mess with that).


Golf II with improved graphics, club selection, etc.


Miniature Golf II with...well...um...ANYTHING (I actually play Miniature Golf once in a while).


What could be done with Flag Capture II? Maybe something closer to Minesweeper (blech...I hate Minesweeper)?



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I wish there was an Adventure 2 (for the 7800, but from what I have seen, GREAT JOB!)


But, I wish there was an adventure 2 for the 2600, with all new mazes, randomly generated maze, different Items that do different things, like Tower of Doom for the intellivision, just with more playfiend and less invitory. And the same simple graphics like adventure (love the square! LOVE IT NOW!


Adventure Plus (Available here, in the AtariAge Store) is exactly what you are looking for. It's absolutely fantastic.

(And the clear case is pretty cool too.)

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I agree with both Midnight Magic II and Golf II (RealSports Golf?). Nudging in MM would be most welcomed.


I'd like to see something done with Encounter at L-5's control system. I think it's a great idea, but the game itself is too repetitive.


Demon Attack II could've been cool, too, if they added boss (mothership) waves to it. Of course, they probably would've been sued by Atari. Again.


Finall, I'd like to see Human Cannonball 2. This version would add a "VS." option, where two players would fire Human Cannonballs at each other. :D

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I wish there was an Adventure 2 (for the 7800, but from what I have seen, GREAT JOB!)


But, I wish there was an adventure 2 for the 2600, with all new mazes, randomly generated maze, different Items that do different things, like Tower of Doom for the intellivision, just with more playfiend and less invitory. And the same simple graphics like adventure (love the square! LOVE IT NOW!


Adventure Plus (Available here, in the AtariAge Store) is exactly what you are looking for. It's absolutely fantastic.

(And the clear case is pretty cool too.)


Hmm, I will look into it...

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I'd love to see a sequel to 2600 mountain king, perhaps with more and varied music, a larger/different mountain or setting, or perhaps multiple or random settings, but i wouldn't want the gameplay changed.


I heartily second a sequel to any supercharger game.


how about 'hunt the mindmaster' (you made it out of the maze, and now you are pissed!)


or 'dragonfriend' (which assumes you saved the dragon in dragon slayer, and now have him as your friend.)

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The thought of Superman 2 is great along with Adventure 2. I'll probably get the Adventure Plus when I trade in my many extra Combats. :)


I think Spiderman 2 would have been cool. Put in another villain, or even spice it up and add several villains as bosses to levels.


I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark, so making one or both of the other movies could have been cool.


A better Pinball, I definitely agree with.


There is one game I always loved in the arcades and found for the C64. I don't know if it was called the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but it definitely was based on it. You would run across the castle wall and jump over pits. As you progress, guards stand with pikes and poke up at you. Of course your goal is to get to Esmerelda at the end. A definite winner in my book.


Also, I would have loved to see some version of Bag Man too!



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I would have liked to have seen...


Bowling II (maybe RealSports Bowling)


Burgertime II (I would have settled for better graphics)


Superman II (with new villians)


Spiderman II (ditto)


Galaxian II (galaga)


Dragonfire II

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