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China Syndrome


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Oh come on go easy on him (her?) he hasn't been here long and besides

you don't always get the info you want when you use a search engine.


213ed if you want some more info on this title try here! ;)




This should be helpful for you.


And you wasn't trolling, it's just because people can't understand why

people can't perform a little simple task before asking questions on things

that may have been easily answered elsewhere! :) As you can guess it

gets real annoying quick!

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Here's the description of China Syndrome frlom the 2nd edition of ABC To The VCS:


"In China Syndrome the reactor is nine levels high with each level consisting of three zones: red, blue, and yellow. The screen displays one level of the reactor at a time as seen from the side rather than from above as in Reactor.


You control a robot arm that must catch particles within the reactor. The particles are released one at a time in each of the three color zones and then dance inside their respective zones. Although your arm can pass from zone to zone, the particles can only stay within their own color group. You can catch a particle by covering it with the arm and pressing the red firing button, causing the particle to disappear. When you clear all three zones of particles you will proceed to the next level, which features faster moving particles.


You must be quick to retrieve the particles. When a particle has been onscreen for a brief length of time, it will split into two separate particles, adding to the number that must be retrieved. Each of these particles will also split if they have not been captured after a short time.


There is also a time limit in which you must clear the level of all particles in order to proceed to the following level. If the screen hasn’t been cleared of particles when time runs out, you’ll lose one robot arm. If you lose all of your arms without reaching the bottom of the reactor (the highest level), then a meltdown will occur and the game will end."


And then we have this description from Midnight Tiger:

"Based loosely upon an obscure movie that no one can recall ever seeing but is rumoured to star a young Michael Douglas. It is about averting a nuclear meltdown in a nuclear power station and in the game you control a small robot that has to destroy all the dangerous radioactive particles that escape from the reactor. Set over nine levels the game suffers from poor game play and lousy collision detection. Like most Spectravision games original idea but lousy finishing."

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No one remembered "The China Syndrome" on the big screen? It was a huge hit due to its being released right after the Three Mile Island incident. It did indeed star a middle-aged Michael Douglas (he's been around forever) and a middle-aged Jane Fonda.


The term China Syndrome refers to a theory that in a nuclear meltdown the core could melt through the earth all the way to China. It wasn't true. Now notice that Spectravideo's China Syndrome is not a movie license at all. Since the phrase existed before the film, Spectravideo just used the title for their own lousy nuclear reactor game and got free publcity from those who thought it was indeed a movie license.

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I saw the China Syndrome. Of course I'm 34, so I'm a little older than some of you on here. MIchael Douglass works at the power plant. Jane Fonda is a reporter doing a story on the power plant.


The game itself is rather rare, though I found I had an extra one for sale and will be going on the website by the weekend.



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I was in a movie a few years ago. It's called I'm With Lucy. I was an extra in a scene at a baseball card. My 1 second of semi-fame. If anyone has the dvd, you can see 1/2 of my face and my arm. I'm in the very beginning of the baseball card show scene. My buddy next to me with the grey hair and mustache got a lot more coverage. The movie was so successful that it went straight to video. :wink:



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