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TV Guide game reviews - Want to see them?

Random Terrain

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You mean those lines weren't originally there? I kinda thought the line pattern had a nice look to it.  :ponder:

Right, the lines are damage created by one of those old sticky photo albums. I put the pages in there to protect them back around 1985, but it ruined them instead. I would have been better off leaving them in a folder.

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Nice job Random Terrain for scanning those pages for us!


Were there any other magazines (other than Electronic Games) that had atari 2600 games in them.  I would love to get my hands on some of the old magazines to read through the articles.


Checking ebay shows no signs of old Elecrtronic Games magazines.

I guess it would be rare for people to keep them.


There were quite a few dedicated magazines that had Atari 2600 games in them. Electronic Games was certainly the most popular and longest running publication, but there were several others from around the same time that were somewhat similar: Electronic Fun, Video Games, Videogaming Illustrated, Joystik, Vidiot, Blip, Video Games Player, & Video and Arcade Games to name just a few! You can view a cover gallery of all these at my site:




I am pretty sure that as a result of some recent transactions, my entire collection of all of these magazines now contains every issue published (even though my site hasn't been updated in a while)! :D


Additionally, I have a post in the marketplace forum that lists some of my extra magazines for sale at reasonable prices. PM if interested, still have a bunch left!

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Well done, loads quite fast even with my slow modem connection. :thumbsup:


Will you keep them online? If yes, IMO the links should be added to AA reviews sections.

Yes, I'll keep them online. I'm slowly making a thumbnail page where I will have these, some scans from K-Power magazine, a few pages from Electronic Games, A page or two from JoyStik magazine, and whatever else I might have around here.


I want to have some of my favorite stuff scanned in and uploaded to my web site in case anything ever happens to the originals. It's also good that other people can see them if they want.

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Thanks for the scans. Very enjoyable. I must take issue with the reviewer giving Keystone Kapers a 2. The "reviews" for Mario Bros. and Pitfall II sound and look more like press releases with screen Mockups. The Mario Bros mockup is overly optimistic for a 2600 game.



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Wow, thanks for posting all those! It's quite amazing to see how much those games cost back then...  :)

I just found an inflation calculator on the web and it said spending $30 back in 1983 is equivalent to spending $54.54 in 2003. Some of those games were expensive!

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those are really cool. I get to see games that I don't have.

I have a photo album with those lines also, but the pictures are facing away from the lines, so I think Ill be OK

If I understand you correctly, you have them just like I did. I didn't have the images facing the sticky stuff, it just eats through over time. Ever see how Scotch tape changes the color of anything it touches after many years, even when it's behind something? It reminds me of the same type of thing.


I couldn't even remove those pages until recently because the sticky stuff became kind of crunchy which allowed me to bend the cardboard back and forth until the pages came loose. A few years back, the pages were stuck so badly that I would have ripped them up if I tried to peel them off.


I learned two painful lessons over the years. Never use any kind of tape in front of or behind pages, and never put pages into sticky photo albums.

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I'm not going to waste people's time posting every new scan. I'll wait until I get done and just post a link to the page when I'm finished, but I thought someone might want to see this one right now:




It's a Parker Brothers related page from Book & Video Update Vol. 1, No. 4 January/February 1983 (page 12). Promises, promises. . . 1983 was still a pretty good year though.

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I just found an inflation calculator on the web and it said spending $30 back in 1983 is equivalent to spending $54.54 in 2003.  Some of those games were expensive!

Expensive? I paid 129 DM for Starmaster back then, which would be about 115 EUR (or $139) now!

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