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Happy Thrift Day.

Robert M

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It was 25 cent day at one of my local thrift stores. I got 12 common 2600 carts, 3 genesis games (incuding Mortal Kombat, and Ecco the Dolphin), a game genie for Genesis, a boxed 6-button Genesis controller, a Genesis cartridge storage rack, and Carnival for Colecovision. All for $5.06. :D I love 25 cent days!



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There had to be some kind of limit on free day. Possibly one item, and it had to be marked at a specific price or below. Else they wouldn't have anything left. Unless they had a designated section just to what you can take for free. I would think they would be items that have sat in the store for a long long time.



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im sure it had to be like any itme in this dept with a sticker on it free . all the stuff thats been forsale for a while and wont sell. put a happy sticker on it. and say FREE and watch the inventory shrink,


where i work ( rite aid) we tried something called $5 basket days. all the exess junk from the over heads in the back room. voltron and barbie egg coloring and stuff from 83,and 84 . the idea was anything sitting up there was old and we needed to move inventory out. Sad to say not everythign we put out was 0'd out to nothing. one woman took a basket and did the $5 thing and got about 300$ of items for $5.00. robin ( my boss) put that idea to an end there. $5 days ended as soon as it started. hell i still got a green eyed troll the 1985 voltron egg coloring kit and some retro 80s thing for less than 1.00

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