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Six games and five controllers for $2 (anything rare?)


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I found a bag full of Atari stuff at a second hand shop, and I was wondering if I found anything useful to the emulation community (I have no ROM dumping equipment unfortunately)


Sky Jinks International Edition (Activision 1982, EAG-019, black label)

Enduro (Activision 1983, EAX-026, green label)

River Raid (Activision 1982, EAX-020, red/pink label?)


Vanguard (Atari 1988, CX2669, silver (grey))

Plaque Attack (Activision 1983, AX-027, pink label)


I also have 2 copies of Dig Dug (1983) silver label - can't find the box with everything in as I have to move in around a week, and Kangaroo (1987) "grey" label (these weren't on the rarity guide list, although they are probably the same)


Unfortunately none of my games have boxes or anything

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Yep, that's the one! Looks like a River Raid hack under PCAE. Only thing I need to do is find a system to play them on (haven't had an Atari since 1993 (2600 Jr), and a ColecoVision with Atari 2600 converter). I've seen a NES go for $60 down here so I don't think it'll be easy/cheap these days (a NES was $5 five years ago, now they're $29 which is the same price as a SNES and $10 cheaper than an N64)

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