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Fantasia WHT, Why is it that your screen name is similar to tha name of this post? Did you just join here to talk about Fantasia?

:lolblue: :lolblue:


Im just kiddin' w/ you dude - no offence


Anyay, while were on the subject (even though its not about the 2600)

I would like to get a few thins off my chest about the movie (feelings that have building over the last 20 years and are about to explode!)


I never read the book, but saw part one and part 2 on TV

I thought that Neverending Story was an amazing movie. Its still one of my favorites. Its been like over 10 years since Ive seen part 2, and I only saw it once. But this is what I didnt like about it:


The voice of the big rock man was changed


The boy in the movie (the main charactor) changed into a blond haired kid who looked and acted nothing like the kid in the first movie. He was a little punk in part 2, but a nice boy in part one.


The book store was a totally different building as far as I remember


The white dragon was shorter


Im sure there were other things I didnt like, but its been so many years that I forget.


Did the makers of this movie really think that they were going to pull the wool over my eyes?!


Perhaps ill buy the book like you.

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hmmm.. what was the topic of this thread? I can't remember... oh who gives a damn.


I loved the first neverending story, as well. I have yet to see the second one and it sounds like that is a good thing :-)


It would be neat if the movie were hacked in such a way that it could loop forever, thus being a neverending story :-)

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In the first movie, the kid (I cant think of his name now; its been years) entered an old bookstore on accident while trying to run away from some bully kids. this old bookstore is where he took the "neverending" book from.


Later in movie #2, I forget how it went but either he or his dad returned to the bookstore, but it looked nothing like the one in movie #1 (actually, it looked kinda like it, they were hoping I wouldnt notice, but I did).


Come to think of it, perhaps they used a completely different guy to play has dad, too.

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In the first movie, the kid (I cant think of his name now; its been years) entered an old bookstore on accident while trying to run away from some bully kids. this old bookstore is where he took the "neverending" book from.


It's Bastain. And they used different actor for each of the 3 movies. The second movie had Jonathan Brandis who passed away not too long ago.


I checked and I can't find a common actor from any of the 3 movies except for Thomas Hill (Koreander) The different actors in the sequel probably hurt the story.


Later in movie #2, I forget how it went but either he or his dad returned to the bookstore, but it looked nothing like the one in movie #1 (actually, it looked kinda like it, they were hoping I wouldnt notice, but I did).


Yes it was a different bookstore :P And both Bastain and his father came to the store. First it was Bastain who went there and ended up into Fantasia. His father was trying to find out where he went and discovered the bookstore was empty.


Come to think of it, perhaps they used a completely different guy to play has dad, too.


Yep. :P

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