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Building an Atari 8-bit tower


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I have a large PC tower and I'd like to build an 8-bit tower out of it. I figured I'd use an XEGS because of the detachable keyboard. The first thing I need to do is get the XEGS working with the PC power. Does anybody know were there is any info on this on the Net? Or at least have any advise on this?


Utimately I'd like to get 2 3 1/2 inch drives, a hard drive, a 5 1/4 inch drive and a CD drive all working with the XEGS with all of them using the PC's power supply.


Any help would apprieciated.




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This is the opposite of what I did. I'm the blasphemous fool who gutted a (dead) A800 and put PC guts inside the case. Your idea is just as silly, but I like it!


Actually, I originally planned to make an A800 tower also, but life got too 'dense' to tackle that project.


With the advent of all these "arcade emulations inside a joystick" toys available now, I'm surprised someone hasn't come up with a LSI-ASIC-based Atari 800 reproduction the size of a Palm Pilot. I'd buy two.

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