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Rare failure print or common?


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Anyone know if this game was ever planned for the 7800?

Its kind of like that Colecovision Quest for Tires with the Atari 2600 label. Just wondering if possibly a similar situation happened here.


I was thinking something like that when I saw it. A search for a 7800 version

of Super Football turned out no results.


Maybe there is a proto out there that needs discovering, or an actual release

that just for some weird reason has not been documented yet? :?


Anyway atarianer2003 is the part number different on the end lable?

Because it could help detemine whether or not this is a print mistake or a prototype lable! :)

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I think it could be the fact 2600 and 7800 carts are the same size. And the label/ end label are the same size. And perhaps this led to someone screwing up in manufacturing. It is somewhat hard to the non-observant ( :P ) tell the lables apart. Same color, same size, but different letterings (the 2600 and 7800 is the difference).


I think you have the equivillent of an error-card (Baseball cards) in the Classic Atari world. ;) :D

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Normal Cartridge:



ATARI 2600 . . . . . . CA400064-154


The "7800"Cartridge:



ATARI 7800 . . . . . . CA400225-154


Both have the number CX26154 (one with P for PAL) printed on the main label.




Looks like there may be an Atari 7800 version then, batch numbers don't

often tell lies, and the differences in the numbers indicate that there is

probably somewhere a 7800 version which could be either a proto or an actual release.


I think the number CX26154 is the game code for Super Football (any and all versions)

while the CA4 codes are the version number.


So that end lable may be a one-of-a-kind and I hope that if there is a proto

that it turns up sometime in the future.


I'm not too sure though as I haven't really studied batch numbers a lot other

than each number indicates a different game (like each number indicates

a different collectible card or whatever).


Maybe Tempest or CPUWIZ would know more? :ponder:

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