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All the time. Whenever I'm done playing, I roll it up, bind it with a rubber band, and pop it in a pringles can for safe keeping.


I've always left mine flat, It's hard to iron out the creases sometimes.


I always hated buying new nes, they always come folded up!!!! creases all over the place!

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Is it a surprise that the system was a fake? I mean, geez, it sounds like it was named after the least appropriate Disney-licensed name ever.





You are Solid Sleepy, the operative assigned to protect a beautiful princess from biting into poisonous produce. Never keep your back turned... there could be an evil but beguilingly sweet old grandmother hiding behind a corner, waiting for a golden opportunity to put Snow White under her spell. It's your job to take the old hag's toxic apple and give her a live pineapple grenade in return!


"Sleepy? Are you there? Sleepy? SLEEEEEEPEEEE!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. I just dozed off... they gave me this code name for a reason, you know!"



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Speaking of paint jobs, about three years ago, when the 7800.com store was still up, we were going to introduce a modified 7800 ProSystem with gold RCA jacks, S-Video and all sorts of other stuff. To make these different I wanted to do a blackface "Vader" 7800 to distinguish it. A few sample nameplates were made up but we had parts made for like 20 joysticks. The systems never got completed and the store was closed down for good before anything worth while was assembled.


.....Meanwhile parts for 20 7800 joysticks were sitting around. I recently assembled these to see how they would turn out and in my opinion they looked gorgeous. They really made the controller look a great deal more modern and downright nasty. Former Atari designer Regan Cheng (5200, 1200 XL, etc) showed this controller to Roy Nishi and even he gave it high praise.


The controllers were assembled from NOS factory parts. The dual firebuttons and nameplate were professionally painted a reflective gloss Stealth Black and then heat treated to bond with the material. (This was not crap spray paint done in the garage, these parts were sent out-of-house)


I put 12 of these up on bidiots in April to see how they would do. A better description and many more pictures are available there if you'd like to look. Jason Smith has some up on his website too I believe.




...and no, I did not advertise these as some rare prototype or anything else misleading. All was on the level.


Hope you like them!




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I should glue random crap like a stapler, jesus action figure, a GBA, a ping pong ball gun, and a coupon cutter and sell the "Atari You Got ItAll Right Here" System for hundreds of dollars


Even better, take a giant robot and replace the head with an Atari 2600. Hey, if it can work for vintage cars, it can work for old-school game systems, too, right?





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I actually discussed building an Atari 2600 that looked like K-9 with SS a couple years ago, and some day I'll actually get it done. It will light up when you put a cartridge in the slot, and when you turn the power on his tail will wag and he'll bark "MA-STER!" The only problem I have is trying to figure out where the output jacks to plug him into a TV will be. Well, actually I did have ONE thought about that, but I think most people would be disgusted. :lolblue: Anyway, it would certainly 0WNZ3R this sorry ass Snow White Atari!

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make sure to build a couple K-9's for the rest of us! :) Actually you wouldn't have to output the video to a TV since K-9 had a monitor on his side (well, it was really just a piece of wood that implied it was a monitor). You could just pop in a 5" TV set and play Atari right on the thing.


I'm a huge Doctor Who nut and at the last con I went to, someone had built a full sized K-9 with remote control. It's was pretty awesome. Of course today's R/C parts are much smaller than back in the 70's, so there was a LOT of room left over inside K-9.


I think that I'd pop in a whole PC for LAN gaming and still have room left over for a lava lite and a Betamax VCR. :)

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