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reintroduce 2600?


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But now now the format is a hit, there's no reason not to head straight for ther 16-bit era. Which means the end of the Atari knockoffs.


I disagree. You're not taking into account the 80s nostalgia factor. 8-bit videogames are the 'in thing'. SNES and Genesis are lame, from a fad point of view, still stuck in that not-yet-nostalgic-yet-too-obsolete-to-play stage. Have you been to your local Hot Topic lately? Practically every other shirt they sell references an old NES or Atari game...



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As a collector and follower of classic games. Our newest video game system: ATARI Jaguar. [Loving it still]. We'll hold off on the X-Box, Game Cube and PS2 for now. OK back to the subject at matter. We'll buy one of these newbie ATARI thing-a-ma-gigs being a collector and completitst. Neat idea.

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