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Braile Invaders


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Actually thinking about it. Maybe some guy played the Atari and his wife, mother, etc might have been blind. If he had the games stacked on the shelf and was lazy, he could always asked his loved one to get him that specific game. That is why it's only on the end label.




Or someone who just cant see writing very good. He/She may still have been

able to see, but that doesn't mean thier sight was/is perfect. ;)


I highly doubt Atari would have sold games like this.

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Actually thinking about it. Maybe some guy played the Atari and his wife, mother, etc might have been blind. If he had the games stacked on the shelf and was lazy, he could always asked his loved one to get him that specific game. That is why it's only on the end label.




I'm the laziest person I know and I've never been tempted to ask a blind person to fetch things for me. Plus it would be a pain in the ass to stick braille stickers on each and every beer in the fridge.


"God damnit Bill I said I wanted a .:. ..:: :..:..:. not a .:: .:::..: :...:., you ass!"


Maybe the same person who did this is the person who put Braille on ATM machines.

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You can be legally blind, but still be able to see enough to play a videogame, just like you can be legally deaf, but still listen to music.


The Braille's probably there for the benefit of someone who's legally blind, but still able to see enough to play a videogame on a larger TV.


Wasn't this question asked here before? I'm getting that deja vu feeling that someone posted a similar inquiry here in the past.

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Yeah, some of these posts have been pretty funny.


I didn't think it was an official release by any means, just a weird thing to find. I think that the best idea so far is that someone was blind enough not to be able to see the label, but maybe they could turn the brightness up on their TV and still play.


I love that the label is misspelled in Braille.

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My family knew a guy who was legally blind, I think he could drive.. It's just that once you let the renewals lapse you are SOL trying to get recertified lol, but people down in Florida drive all the time without sight ya'll act like it's something special. :P


My guess for 2600 cart above, maybe two players.. one blind & one not, blind person plays Atari while other directs the left/right & fire. :ponder: Who knows that's pretty damn cool though, :D

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My family knew a guy who was legally blind, I think he could drive.. , but people down in Florida drive all the time without sight ya'll act like it's something special. :P


I remember being down at the DMV over there on Arch Creek Road in North Miami. Just waiting for my DL (already did the picture and everything else). So over at the vision test area they call out someone's name. I looked over and saw, and I sware........


Two older then dirt people. A guy and I assume his wife. The wife got up first, and helped the guy up. He couldn't stand straight, couldn't walk without both a cane & his wife holding him up. Even then he could only shuffle his feet a few inches at a time. The guy was all shakey. Somehow, after what seemed like forever (but was still atleast 30 seconds) they managed to some how make it from their front row seats the 5 feet to the counter without keeling over dead. Then the vision test starts.


DMV: "Read the top line"

Man: "What?"

Wife (Yelling): "READ THE TOP LINE"

Man (staring at wife): ----

Wife (Yelling): "LOOK IN THERE" (points at machine) "AND READ THE TOP LINE"



At this point, I was called for my DL and left.


Florida's only requirment in getting a licence is having a pulse.

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Just thought I'd throw this in ... I know that in Braille, a lot of times words are misspelled or spelled phoenetically. Often, duplicate letters are dropped to make reading via Braille quicker and less confusing. That doesn't completely explain the spelling, but... there are abbreviations and such in Braille that are used that are hard to translate sometimes.

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My guess for 2600 cart above, maybe two players.. one blind & one not, blind person plays Atari while other directs the left/right & fire.  :ponder:  Who knows that's pretty damn cool though,   :D

It could actually be. I directed many times ski races for blind people: they're simply preceeded and followed by two men who tell the blind skier "left... right... there's a bump ahead... icy here... left..." And rest assured that those men are actually very good skiers - I still wonder how someone could get so skilled WITHOUT seeing the track.


Who knows... Maybe yes, a family with a blind child, who wanted to play Atari...

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A lot of the ATM's around here have a "talking" option for the vision

impaired. So with Braille labels on the buttons and a speaker to tell

you the menu, you should have everything you need to operate the

ATM without sight. The drive-through Braille is a bit more odd, but

they probably just use a standard set of components to save on costs,

whether the machine is indoors or outdoors. If you see a headphone

jack on the ATM (my bank has them), that's for the vision impaired.


Someone also might have bad enough vision to benefit from Braille

when reading things up close, but with corrective lenses have enough

sight to enjoy video games.


--The Eidolon

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I guess I'm a little too nuts for this thread. When I read the title "Braille Invaders" I went far beyond thinking about just a cartridge label. I imagined a television with a flexible liquid plasma screen that formed raised bumps where each of the invaders were, so you could feel them moving across the screen under your hands. Pair it with a controller that has vibrating feedback and you got some gaming for the blind goin' on. GET DOWN!

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If you see a headphone  

jack on the ATM (my bank has them), that's for the vision impaired.


The bank where I use the ATM most just got a new ATM with one of those.

I don't understand why they don't just put speakers on them instead of expecting blind people

to bring headphones to the ATM.

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I work at a high school and we have a teacher who only works with the visually impaired students. She has a handheld braille label maker that she uses to label the doors for her students. The label on that cart looks like it was made by the label maker she has.


And, yes you can be legally blind and still be able to see well enough to see the game on a largeish TV.



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