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Interesting old magaine ads


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Does anyone collect magazine print ads for the 2600? I have seen a few listings for game ads that were cut out of old magazines. If you don't look close, you might think these were store ads or flyers. Some look like they are cut out of comic books, other from gaming magazines. Here are a couple from ebay auction listings that look interesting. One shows game boxes stacked by color. The other shows a the original numbered boxes with a couple odd ones: 04 space war, 05 outlaw, 22 breakout.



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I do. Comic books from about 1982-1984 seem to have them most. Possibly other ones too. So far I've amassed about 35 different ads. Cut them out and put them in a binder in those sleeves. Sometimes you get 2 ads, back to back on a back cover. Some were inserted in the interior and are on the comic book inferior paper.


I haven't looked for new ones in about 2 1/2 years though. Wondering even where my binder is since I moved 2 years ago.


I've actually sold a couple on Ebay a few years ago, but dont' think I got more than a dollar for them. It's definitely a specialty market that is probably not that hard to collect. Money wise that is. Some of the comic books are valuable and not worth cutting up. :)


If anyone collects these, let me know. Eventually I'll probably scan them and put them up on my website for all to see. That is if I find the binder.


I expanded though into other game systems besides the 2600. Some of the ads like Popeye sometimes featured 6 or 9 systems that the game was designed for.



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Hey these aint ads but I scanned em anyway for fun today here at work (while scanning that other 'gods of gaming' article in the other thread..) but anyway, I'm just bored. so here they are :P


p.s. there are lots of 2600 ads in any of these magazines though.. some of which I've never seen scanned. :ponder:



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Maybe they meant that radio was first, television was second, and videogames were third. Really, who knows what was going through their minds when they wrote that?

First generation: cave paintings

Second generation: smoke signals

Third generation: VCS

Fourth generation: star child



...or something like that.

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Here's my own collection of magazine ads:




Some of them were damaged by Scotch tape, so I had to clean them up a bit. I used to hang them up on my wall as a teen. I think I have some more that I will add to the page within the next few months.

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