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Supercharger question


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I just bought my first Supercharger. I have one of the Stella gets a new brain CDs, so Im excited about being able to play those games. But when I hooked the stuff up, the Cd never loaded onto the Arcadia supercharger. And I think I know what the problem is. The male-end connection thingy that Im supposed to plug into my CD player was, for some odd reason, a little bigger than the standard one you would have at the end of your headphones. In other words, the radius of the little thing was actually a little bigger than the norm. As a result, I couldnt really plug it into the thing correctly, it was too much of a tight fit. Has anyone else ever had this problem? If thats what the problem was, what should I do? File the thing down or what?

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I have plugged my supercharger into the headphone jacks of cd-walkmen, cassette walkmen, and boom boxes and it has always fit without any issues at all. Are you sure you're plugging it into a headphone jack and not a microphone jack ? Remember you want the audio going out, not in.

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Ive been playing more of these games and WOW! these supercharger games are totally awsome! They have better music, better graphics, more screens, and are just totally fun games, all with the fun of 2600 playability. If you want to collect for the 2600 and get cool games, you need to get these or you are totally missing out! The CD I have is called Stella gets a new brain. Randy from Hozer gave it to me for free a few years ago. I wonder if more supercharger games came out since then?

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None AFAIK. Unless you count 4k games which had been programmed or hacked to work with a Supercharger...or if the Supercharger itself had been modified to always allow it. From a programming standpoint, it wouldn't be in their best interest to make a game that only works on a Supercharger. And since new solutions that require no special hardware to complex problems are always appearing, there's little reason to.

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I picked up 3 superchargers last year and had that same problem with one of them. If I remember correctly, it was the older unit - the company name on label was Arcadia instead of Starpath(formerly Arcadia). Can't check the lable as my brother or sister ended up with that unit.


I fixed it by getting a replacement connector at Radio Shack.

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