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Maryland and Atari Games

Red 5

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Yea, on Jones Ave. right across from the Taco Bell theres a nice little game store called Gaming Paradise. I know because I stay near there twice a year at my Grandma's house.


I was down there this past weekend for bikeweek.We tried finding this place.Found a Taco Bell but no Jones Ave. or Gaming Paradise.Noone had even heard of Jones Ave.Was it on Coastal Highway?Only thing that was near Taco Bell was some arcade room.

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I checked my map program for a Jones Ave. before leaving and there was none so I never bothered looking.


I figured it was just some kid desperately trying his best to be funny.


Sort of along the lines of 'Is your fridge running?'


There was a great thrift store farther north in deleware that had a lot of good finds, but it was past the beaches on our way home.

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Do you remember the name of the store or where it was?I'm in Delaware.I used to go hit the thrift stores about twice a week but they don't seem to have anything anymore.Have to wait til the weekend comes and hit the flea market.Got lucky about 2 weekends ago and picked up a Jawbreaker for a buck.

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Don't know the name, but I can tell you where.


Right after you leave the coast on Rte. 1 North.

Eventually you will pass a Home Depot (on your left)

About half a mile past that on your left is a thrift store / Consignment shop.


I got a few commons I was missing for my 2600 and two loose vectrex carts. (berzerk and web wars)


Great store, but I think I cleaned them out. At least I hope I did



A few miles south of that, there was an auction / flea market place too.

I didn't stop there.

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