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Atari is releasing "Flashback Console" with Sabote


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Besides its array of classic Atari 2600 and 7800 titles, the Atari Flashback console will include one previously unreleased game: "Saboteur."


Hmmmm At first I thought it might be the orginal Arcade versions... But it appears to be the 2600-7800 versions. I wonder if SHW was involved in this, didnt he program Saboteur?

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I must have one of these! Even though there is no cart slot and I already have most of the games, it's something we've all been wishing for. Yeah, it's a long way from perfect, but if it sells well we may see a Flashback Vol. 2 someday. Pole Position and Submarine Commander would have been nice additions.

Besides, if they included a cartridge slot, there are kids that would look at it and say, "What is supposed to go in there? Where does the CD go?" :|

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Besides, if they included a cartridge slot, there are kids that would look at it and say, "What is supposed to go in there?  Where does the CD go?"  :|

How about a CD? Put every damn 2600/7800 game ever made by all companies on CDs that will play on this thing. No emulation, no messed up sound, no messed up frame rate because it has the real guts of an Atari 7800.

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I wonder if this will impact AA since you can get thes Roms here? I hope not. I hope that Atari realizes this community adds a lot to thier marketing simply by keeping the system alive for all those years (before it was cool to be gaming retro!) Also I am sure quite a few regulars here (including myself) will go out and buy one of these even though I have most of the games in cart form.

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Anyone know if these are the original games/hardware or 'new' versions?

Looks pretty interesting, but I wonder why they included Warlords without any paddle controllers. :ponder:

It's kinda silly that it only has 20 games. I think it should have at least 50 for the price, and be able to save your high scores. Either that or have a slot to plug in more 20 in 1 cartridges. :P Then again, if it was all homebrews and hacks that would be pretty cool. Let's see if that gives Al any ideas. :lolblue: :D



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I should have known Al had already thought of that. Keep working on those programmers and maybe we'll see one sooner rather than later. :)


I might have to buy one of these consoles just to take it apart and see what's inside. :ponder:


On another note, it looks like the controllers might have start and pause buttons on them which would be cool. Of course, if they do, then we probably won't be able to use our old controllers. :(



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Why oh why did they have to revive the dreaded ProLine joystick for this?


Well, since it is a 7800 remake and they are the original 7800 joysticks.... besides from what I heard, the new joysticks are smaller and sit very comfortably in peoples hands and work much better... plus Pause and Select are right on the joysticks....





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LOL how ironic.


I'm guessing all the nay-sayers will now back pedal stating that the unit doesn't count because it doesn't include a cart slot or some such non-sense. :P


Personally I hope the system does great in the hopes some other company will release one, maybe even a better one with mucho more games. I doubt it will do all that well though... $40 for 20 old games doesn't sound like much of a bargin unfortunately. Perhaps there is some way that new games can be added in the future?

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